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  1. T

    Land use implications of Transit City

    So, being a provider of public transportation, the TTC probably doesn't naturally spend an inordinate amount of time pondering the impacts that service upgrades have on the nearby built environment, but I was wondering if there have been any studies or reports done on the impacts that Transit...
  2. T

    Star: GPS, wireless, real-time info displays for TTC

    Noticed on the Next Bus website that the TTC has been included on the list of systems that use their services. They seem to be currently testing the 509 and the 510. Anybody know anything more about a potential roll out for the entire system?
  3. T

    If you could change one thing about Toronto, what would it be?

    To be honest, I'm not sure. I get the feeling that political leadership back in the day wasn't nearly this inept, but I can't quite say at what point it became from meh to blah.
  4. T

    What makes Toronto... Toronto?

    Nailed it. I've been living abroad for the past while, and whenever I think about Toronto and why I like it even though there's lots to dislike, it usually comes down to this. It's a perfect place to be whoever you want to be, and to do whatever you want to do. There's generally not too much...
  5. T

    If you could change one thing about Toronto, what would it be?

    More than anything, the political leadership and climate that surrounds this city. Toronto's a great place, but it's constantly held back by inept leaders, silly debates and stupid infighting. It's not just the immediate city leadership in David Miller, but also provincial and federal lack of...
  6. T

    New Cumberland St. TTC entrance

    That's it? They couldn't even have bothered putting in escalators or widened the stairwell?
  7. T

    Projects cancelled or on hold due to the Credit Crunch Frozen skyline In the last recession, 40% of architects lost their jobs. Are they prepared for this one? And how will the crunch affect our once-booming cityscapes? By Jonathan Glancey Jonathan Glancey The...
  8. T

    Metrolinx: Presto Fare Card

    Presto's a terrible name. It sounds like a brand of pasta rather than a high-tech fare-integrated transit card. Who comes up with these names?!
