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  1. L

    Poll: What Should The New Eglinton/Scarborough LRT/Metro Be Called?

    It's called lines-on-a-map-itis. There is a gap. It might be filled, but probably won't be. Ever. But just in case, let's shoot ourselves in the foot to raise our chances to "slim" from "none". I guess it's no different from literally shooting yourself in the foot ... if you have the...
  2. L

    Transit City Plan

    The city council thing is actually a huge question mark. The media coverage of this really has done a great job of making Ford look like a fool, and I wouldn't be surprised if council overrules him on this one. Remember, Ford nation is one councillor vote away from being irrelevant. And...
  3. L

    Toronto's and Province's New 12.4B Eglinton/SRT/Sheppard Plan

    I count 15 stations on Leslie and east, and 11 on Dufferin and west. The rest are "central". The TYSSE adds 5 to "west" - with a caveat I state later. Eglinton adds 5 west and 8 east. Closes the gap somewhat, in the most likely scenario. Sans Sheppard, 2 concessions out from Yonge...
  4. L

    Toronto's and Province's New 12.4B Eglinton/SRT/Sheppard Plan

    The only way we can afford the line as it is is to reuse the existing guideway. To build a HRT capable connection would cost a billion dollars more than we have.
  5. L

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    It could be worse. That's what we're reduced to. I think there is a bit of space for optimism here. With Eglinton out of the way, the remaining LRTs can be built for relative pocket change by a transit-friendly future government. The balance of Transit City can be resurrected for a relative...
  6. L

    Toronto's and Province's New 12.4B Eglinton/SRT/Sheppard Plan

    $$$ . Most of the SRT budget was tied up in the extension to Malvern, not the conversion. Cancelling the extension but keeping the guideway is one of those ways they're paying for tunneling Eglinton east.
  7. L

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    The problem with this is exactly the same as with the Sheppard-only proposal. There isn't enough condo demand to pay for the line, no matter how you distribute the development within the city. Eglinton would benefit from being more central - you would have more demand and would be able to...
  8. L

    What's your Walk Score?

    yeah, the database has been updated. My old apartment nearChristie and St Clair only got a moderate score (60-ish?) when this thing first came out a couple years back. It's a very walkable area. Now it's getting 80's, which is better. Still a few flaws (seems to miss both the Loblaws to the...
  9. L

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    I would not trust a single word that comes out of Kouvalis' mouth. The man is a political spin genious but that pretty much discounts there being an honest bone in his body. There is no plan. The way Metrolinx publicly came out and told Ford to go screw himself with his Sheppard line suggests...
  10. L

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    In principle, yes. In reality, Vancouver has always had an issue with shoddy construction, and the system there is hopelessly corrupt and ineffective. Go read up on the Leaky Condo scandal 10 years ago - as you can imagine the weatherproofing was not quite up to par, in a climate where...
  11. L

    Transit City Plan

    Re Ottawa, didn't they try to convert part of the system to LRT, until their version of Rob Ford killed it? Viva is similarly long term planned for upgrade to LRT. The primary issue with BRT is that it doesn't solve the primary argument against LRT, which is related to losing traffic...
  12. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ah, but if you watch the voting patterns a more discernable pattern emerges. On the rhetorical campaign platform issues, Ford had a high level of agreement, even among the left. Get to service cuts and the margins are much narrower. Tenant defense fund and library closures? Relatively low...
  13. L

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Left + middle = 22 councillors. Ford + right = 23 councillors. Basically, Ford is one single defection away from losing balance-of-power. Wondering why Mammoliti is off shooting his mouth off again? He's bulletproof. He is completely in control of the balance of power in council and no...
  14. L

    Transit City Plan

    Well, if you don't like the current proposals, we could always wait for a subway on Finch. It has a remote chance of being built while our grandchildren are still alive, thus the current proposals are a waste. Hold out for the big one. I'm curious as to how they costed out the BRT line. Once...
  15. L

    Transit City Plan

    Frankly, my money for SRT is on them doing nothing. In 2014 when it hits the fan they'll fall back on the old fallback plan of bumming old cars off Vancouver, which has Mark I cars that are as new as 1996 in its fleet. As a plus, Toronto will probably get a really good deal on the things as...
  16. L

    What is Toronto's Worst Neighbourhood?

    Rich neighbourhoods tend to be bland and kind of pointless-feeling. Forest Hill village is quite pleasant, but is mixed income and has the main street commercial stretch to it, with middle-class apartments in behind. Go a bit further north on Spadina and it's all of a sudden pretty...
  17. L

    Transit City Plan

    But that's kind of the thing I was referring to with my earlier post. The RTES wasn't replaced with Transit City and in fact as far as transportation plans go, it has been remarkably well followed through upon. Transit City built upon RTES. Let's go one by one 1) Spadina subway extension -...
  18. L

    Transit City Plan

    Care to elaborate on how building 3/5 reccomendations in the RTES (SRT, Spadina, and Eglinton - two of which are longer than the RTES recommendations) and having a fourth (Yonge ext) on the books is "scrapping and redesigning" it? Sheppard was the only casualty caused by Transit City, and...
  19. L

    Transit City Plan

    I'm struggling with the costing of BRT though. From what I can tell it's not actually much of a savings once you factor out the externalities. - For SELRT, we're talking about 14km at 950 million dollars. However, that includes rolling stock and a yard. The Ashbridge's carhouse is budgeted at...
