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  1. urbanfan89

    Richard Florida (Rise of the Creative Class) Moving to Toronto

    As far as I know, suburbs are still considered parts of metropolitan areas. And according to the "creative class" thing, vibrant cities attract skilled immigrants, which leads to growth in the suburbs. This is not Berlin in 1970, and people don't care (for the most part) about municipal...
  2. urbanfan89

    Stephen Harper caption contest

    I should have declared myself Fuhrer for Life when I had the chance, instead of dealing with you!
  3. urbanfan89

    Toll Roads

    Many of Sydney's toll operators have been going in-and-out of bankruptcy, taxpayer bailout, and then demanding the government reduce capacity on surface streets to force drivers. To add insult to injury some contracts require the government to compensate if usage is lower than forecast. If...
  4. urbanfan89

    Toll Roads

    Perhaps Metrolinx (or someone else) should be given power to tax non-residential parking space, proportional to some formula which accounts for transit availability, density, and location. It would encourage developers not to devote land to surface parking, and provide a relatively stable source...
  5. urbanfan89

    Former Harper CoS: GST cut 'worked' because it helped elect CPC

    CCRAP's last election strategy was to convince natural Liberal voters to have doubts about Stephane Dion, and to consequently stay home. The lack of substance in the campaign was quite shocking. It worked.
  6. urbanfan89

    Toll Roads

    Why not just up the fuel tax? It's really the same thing without all the overhead costs.
  7. urbanfan89

    Roads: Gardiner Expressway

    Why not just impose a tax on parking space in the downtown core? It's much less intrusive, punishes anyone who does drive to work when there is an alternative, and encourages developers to think twice before laying parking.
  8. urbanfan89

    Star: How downtown slew the 'beast' (Spadina Expressway)

    Think again. For every barrel of new oil being discovered we're consuming five barrels (despite the vast improvements of technology). Why do you think they go to the most remote places on earth to drill? There are NO economic fuels which can credibly replace oil. We are *not* going to "run...
  9. urbanfan89

    Conservative Immigration Policy

    So someone from India who wants to start a business in, say, the IT sector should be deported if he loses money the first year?
  10. urbanfan89

    Driving Speed and Fuel Efficiency

    They *might attempt* to use photo radar as a cash cow? ;)
  11. urbanfan89

    Driving Speed and Fuel Efficiency

    No it doesn't. E = 1/2 m*v^2. Notice how v is squared. Hence if you double your speed you quadruple, not double, the amount of energy consumed, and you consume double the amount of fuel for the whole journey.
  12. urbanfan89

    Is the sale of Petro Canada legal?

    Or George W. Bush.
  13. urbanfan89

    Mid-Peninsula Highway/Niagara-GTA Corridor

    You could use rail for the whole way, if it is more economical. Purely because they are not subject to EU transport policies and therefore can in a sense treat themselves as an island. I'm not so sure. We're living in a time when Swiss banks are losing their secrecy and their legendary...
  14. urbanfan89

    Toronto Street Food

    At least they didn't mandate that the food carts be staffed by CUPE employees making $40.
