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  1. 1

    Toronto Pearson International Airport

    I was flying Air Canada from Tel Aviv to Pearson a few months ago, and more than half the plane was connecting to the US, San Francisco being the most common.
  2. 1

    Metrolinx: Presto Fare Card

    OC Transpo (Ottawa's transit agency) is actually not subject to AODA. Because OC Transpo has several routes that cross the interprovincial border into Gatineau, the entire system is constitutionally classified as an interprovincial transportation service, which puts it under federal...
  3. 1

    Metrolinx: Presto Fare Card

    Ottawa has both regular and express fares on buses depending on the route and the Presto system there has no problem figuring out what bus it's on and what fare to charge. Not sure what's wrong with the TTC.
  4. 1

    VIA Rail

    Cabbies are surprisingly quiet here in Kingston. I was honestly expecting cabbies to speak out against all the major improvements to public transit that have been rolled out in the past few years. The massive increases in ridership have almost certainly cost them rides. Yet not a peep out of...
  5. 1

    VIA Rail

    This is a problem that will require relocating Kingston station. The train station in Kingston is in a bad location. There's really no way for Kingston Transit to effectively serve it. The train station is badly set back from nearby roadways meaning any bus route going there has to either waste...
  6. 1

    Metrolinx: Presto Fare Card

    Yep. When Ottawa implements its LRT system, bus->LRT transfers will use the exact same setup that the TTC uses with transfers inside fare paid zones. Ottawa reviewed dozens of systems across the world and decided Toronto's model was the most efficient and most worth copying.
  7. 1

    Ontario Budget Week

    For currently retired people yes. The problem ORPP is meant to address is the savings gap in younger people who are still working. ORPP mainly helps prevent a poverty crisis that could emerge in 30-40 years with retired millennials. These days, more and more workers have careers involving more...
  8. 1

    Ontario Budget Week

    Big supporter of ORPP over here. Or rather, I should say, big supporter of public pension expansion. I would prefer a bigger CPP. But in the absence of this getting done (even with Trudeau replacing Harper, you still need provincial consensus), a provincial plan is needed. ORPP plugs up one of...
  9. 1

    VIA Rail

    The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte government is very adamant on return of land as the solution to their land claim north of Deseronto. They've turned down huge sums of money over it. Complicating the matter is governance. On many Iroquois reserves, there's a widespread belief that the band...
  10. 1

    VIA Rail

    You misinterpret what I'm saying. (Rest assured I'm very sympathetic on these fronts; I've always been a big champion for FN treaty rights). What I meant was that, as a community with only 2,000 people, they might not have enough of a labour force available to be doing all the track maintenance...
  11. 1

    SmartTrack (Proposed)

    The cynic in me says the Liberals have deliberately planned it such that the completion of much of this wave of transit projects depends on their re-election in 2018; as a way to keep milking the "don't-vote-for-the-PCs-because-they'll-destroy-everything!" mantra one more time. This is a forum...
  12. 1

    SmartTrack (Proposed)

    Exactly. The path to victory for the PCs is to moderate and be more appealing to urban voters. And transit is a good way to do that. A scenario in which Brown becomes premier is probably a scenario in which Brown embraces transit... so people on UT can stop worrying about provincial politics...
  13. 1

    York Region Transit: Viva service thread

    York Region is starting to head down the path most American cities are following... a focus on flashy & pretty capital projects instead of real service improvements. When you look at York Region's failures to grow ridership despite its large, growing population and accelerating pace of...
  14. 1

    VIA Rail

    You mean the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte / Tyendinega? AFAIK they're the only FN along the lakeshore.. and it's a reserve of about 2,000 people. We're not exactly talking about a huge FN population here.
  15. 1

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s

    I don't think you have to worry about this one. A good number of things will be well on their way in 2018, such as the Finch LRT and much of RER, so they'll be safe. In any case, the only way the PCs are getting in power is if they moderate and make themselves more appealing to urban voters...
  16. 1

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s

    I put my trust in Mainstreet. They have much larger sample sizes (which distinguishes them from other pollsters) and they've made very good calls lately. They were the only pollster to correctly call a Liberal majority in the federal election, and they were the first to pick up on the Alberta...
  17. 1

    SmartTrack (Proposed)

    I would have said a Liberal minority as the most likely result, but I don't see the NDP doing well at all; I can see them reduced to less than a dozen seats. With 122 seats in the legislature, that would mean the Liberal-PC margin would have to be very tight for a minority to exist. My best...
  18. 1

    SmartTrack (Proposed)

    Not really, but as TheTigerMaster pointed out, the economic indicators are looking very good for Ontario right now. It's hard to kick out a party in good economic times.
  19. 1

    SmartTrack (Proposed)

    1943 to 1985. Sorry, had to straighten that out :P The PCs of the John Robarts and Bill Davis era were moderates who formed "big tents" of support. In that sense, the Liberals are the modern equivalent of the PCs from those days.
  20. 1

    Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s

    The problems are with the Liberal Party, not Wynne. If anything, Wynne is more popular than the party itself.
