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  1. J

    Metrolinx: Bombardier Flexity Freedom & Alstom Citadis Spirit LRVs

    G:link uses Bombardier Flexity 2 trams which were manufactured in Vienna Austria for their system. The interior is something that the system partners ordered customized for their specific needs.
  2. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    ^^ This. Everywhere else in the world Bombardier has very little problems meeting schedules. We must also recognize a reality of the Ontario market more than the North American market as a whole. The Ontario Government backed themselves into a corner on these orders. By passing a law in 2008...
  3. J

    Waterloo Region Transit Developments (ION LRT, new terminal, GRT buses)

    Powered Testing has begun. Grandlinq is moving 504 under it's own power through the maintenance facility trackage.
  4. J

    High Speed Rail: London - Kitchener-Waterloo - Pearson Airport - Toronto

    I'm pretty sure they've already done an EA on Kitchener to Toronto as part of the 2-Way All-Day plan. They are just going to adapt those results to GO High-Speed Rail.
  5. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    Thunder Bay must have gotten a fresh shipment of parts or something.
  6. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    It wasn't really even that issue last year, CP is harder to schedule deliveries with around the Christmas time as many CP staff, conductors and engineers arrange for time off for Christmas so CP doesn't have the same level of available service.
  7. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    He said Bombardier might be off by 1 car, 64 instead of their claim of 65 cars.
  8. J

    Waterloo Region Transit Developments (ION LRT, new terminal, GRT buses)

    504 is in Lancaster Yard in Kitchener for delivery on tonight or tomorrow night's train to Elmira.
  9. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    I don't personally know the numbers, someone else here might know, but if they had to add 7 CLRVs after the pilot project started it could be a sign that it's actually working at moving people on King. the CLRVs have a Normal Service usage capacity of 102 passengers and a rated 'Crush Load'...
  10. J

    Waterloo Region Transit Developments (ION LRT, new terminal, GRT buses)

    BBD has 503, 505-510 in Kingston doing a whole bunch of testing and necessary post-production modifications if required. 511-514 are still in production and nearing completion. 503 is being used for the media event on Monday and then after that I assume they'll ship it.
  11. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    For all we know there could be a whole bunch of nearly complete Flexities that are just sitting there waiting for one particular part that suppliers just aren't delivering fast enough.
  12. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    How's that different from a normal delivery that ties up equipment and crew for 2 hours? Delivery to Hillcrest is special scheduling whether it's 2 hours or 4. And besides CP always has idle locomotives available.
  13. J

    Waterloo Region Transit Developments (ION LRT, new terminal, GRT buses)

    They'll do the NB track tomorrow and if everything checks out Regional Councillor Tom Galloway says they might do powered testing next week!!
  14. J

    Waterloo Region Transit Developments (ION LRT, new terminal, GRT buses)

    I mean the most work that would even have to be done would be some minor grinding of concrete to be quite honest and they did most of that even before any vehicles arrived
  15. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    Thunder Bay is currently the only facility assembling the vehicles for the TTC. Thunder Bay has 2 lines going. Bombardier has likely leased an additional 3 transporter cars for Thunder Bay as well as an additional 2 for Kingston. Logistically 3 transporter cars are not adequate for 2 production...
  16. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    No the region is actually delaying delivery of cars. It was talked about last night at Regional Council. The reason is there are tweaks in manufacturing process and overall design that Bombardier is making regularly that they also want made to the ones already assembled. It's much faster to have...
  17. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    504 is arriving in Nov. 503 in Dec. May 1st is still the date set by the Region for service start and will likely stay that way. BBD long lost the engineering talent from UTDC who knew how to make cars for the NA market by that point. The standards difference between NA and Europe is hard to...
  18. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    The Region and Grandlinq are delaying delivery to have changes made in Kingston on as many vehicles as possible whenever Bombardier discovers things that need changes during it's testing. The changes can be done faster there and to more vehicles than delivering them all and then waiting for a...
  19. J

    Waterloo Region Transit Developments (ION LRT, new terminal, GRT buses)

    The Region of Waterloo has posted a video of Light Rail Vehicle testing conducted by Bombardier on Bombardier Millhaven's Test Track
  20. J

    TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

    The apparent unexpected arrival of 4450 seems to dispute that point. 4449 by all accounts was spotted in Thunder Bay yard around October 22nd and arrived last week. If 4450 was really spotted on Bathurst on October 31st that would mean that 4450 was shipped no more than 3 days after 4449 Given...
