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  1. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    As MetroMan has pointed out in the past: Ford's friendship with Lisi appears to have suddenly blossomed in January 2012. Scott MacIntyre went to prison in - you guessed it - January 2012.
  2. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No, it definitely would not. The Star's copy was second-hand:
  3. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Really? Those who actually follow Toronto politics may know about Thomson's transit focus, but most people will remain unaware of her. The majority of those who do see anything about her will come away knowing that she arrived in a horse & carriage to register as a candidate, and maybe that Rob...
  4. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    That was supposed to be Scrabble? As a Brit who has played Scrabble and have lived around Chinese people for much of my life, I didn't get this so-called joke. I mean, if you're going to tell a racist joke, at least have it make sense. Also, if you're going to respond "haha lol", probably best...
  5. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Do you ride the bus every day? I'm going to guess that perhaps you do not.
  6. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    So because he gave a fiery speech, and he isn't campaigning on being divisive, he's the obvious choice?
  7. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Correct response would be: "Well, at $20 a pop, 1000 people... why, that's $20,000, or in terms your brother would understand: four gifts to Renata. Bring it, Douglas." Edit: ah, I see tjvc74 posted the same joke 20 dollars... err, minutes ahead of me. Hats off to you.
  8. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Because he sticks up for the little guy. You leftists just want to tax & spend. Gas-powered co-op massage CONSPIRACY! Can we all just agree not to be amazed by people who are in the grip of severe cognitive dissonance any more like ("I Hate The War..." commenters)? They're far too much invested...
  9. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sure, but it could be turned off. Also, I doubt it would be enough to conclusively say which house the device was in. I doubt it'll matter, though.
  10. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Given that the file is a .mov and the device has been previously described as an iPhone, I'm guessing that the following may be available, assuming the metadata hasn't been stripped somehow: To cut to the chase: Nothing too useful, really...
  11. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    You know, I've been wondering that myself. I might even consider showing up to one of Soknacki's Raleighs. (sorry) I agree, it's hard to get worked up about him, but arguably that's not a pre-requisite for him to do a damn fine job as Mayor. Like you, I'm not on the same page as him...
  12. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    The only answer of his I didn't like was to the question: "Why are you in favour of the airport expansion?" His answer was: So, err... it must be legal, and we must have a Council plan for avoiding the inevitable traffic disaster. You'll forgive me if I'm somewhat cynical that a...
  13. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Yeah, I see your "facts" but I "feel" as though taxes went up under Miller, because socialism garbage strike union sweethearts. If this City elects another socialist I feel we will soon be huddled round burning tires for warmth, all because co-op taxes NDP. Hey! No point putting all that...
  14. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    A Sue-Ann Levy column? This changes everything*! I know, I know: debate the message, not the messenger... but when it comes to SAL, the messenger is the message. A few questions: How does promoting bikelanes encourage gridlock, exactly? No, really: how? When answering, try to use facts &...
  15. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    As the lemur has noted, if Chow's "agenda" is so terrible - and if, as you postulate, "the public" will figure it out and Chow's support will melt away - why is she pursuing it, and why are you so worried about it? Is it possible that you just don't like paying taxes?
  16. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    So the SRT is the real gravy train. Subways, subways, subways. Of course it's not all Ford's fault, but if you can find me one person who's done more to waste time & money here I'd be interested to see that name.
  17. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    So let me get this straight: firstly, you're contradicting the experts when you say that the subway is the best way to spend our precious tax dollars. It's actually it's a huge waste of our tax $, but you just want an underground limousine free of charge, you socialist! That's not all though...
  18. SecretSquirrel

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Well, I suppose we have woman doctors now, and woman drivers, so perhaps we ought to be willing to tolerate a female politician or two, even if they are getting away with bullying and they're super-hard to listen to for even 30 seconds uninterrupted. Sheesh.
  19. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Bumb O'Clat. Stick that in your craic pipe.
  20. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Has the thread been devouring its own tail again? I was in for the 12th of April. No matter. We can wait.
