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Search results

  1. Z

    Berlin II: Karl Marx Allee

    I guess you caught me. But nothing negative meant by that humour. :)
  2. Z

    Harper makes us proud once again

    As we look back at the topic thread I am not sure this is totally back on topic, except that it brings Harper back into the picture. This all started from the very first reaction to the thread starter, and unfolded more-or-less relentlessly in the direction of the global-warming issue as the...
  3. Z

    Berlin II: Karl Marx Allee

    There you have it. Documented in selective places over two threads, Nazi and Communist architecture is often among the least inspiring in the world. Thanks again for sharing your pictures Hipster. .
  4. Z

    Should Canada keep the Monarchy?

    As I continue to glance at this poll, it tells me more about our website than apparently about Canada. :rolleyes:
  5. Z

    Christopher Hume: Looking Beyond Gridlock

    The sword of Damocles, or shall we say the pen of Hume, hangs over our head.
  6. Z

    A Weekened in Montreal's Most Far-Flung Suburb: BOSTON --- Part I of III

    Technically these are some of your most crisply photographed pictures, and your night shots are exemplary. But perhaps because I am not a fan of Boston in particular, even though I have family and in-laws there, I have trouble warming up to the scenery. I'll see how it goes in Part II and...
  7. Z

    Twilight at Tempelhof airport

    My answer may be difficult to follow, but I shall make this one attempt. These somewhat important facts, at least to me, were never actually stated to this point in the thread. But I also assumed that those who were participating thus far knew these facts. The purpose of saying this now was in...
  8. Z

    1 St Thomas (Lee Development, 29s, Stern)

    The maker of boxes does not always begat boxes, and the masonry wall is sometimes transformed into glass. The proverbial maker of boxes is of course Mies van der Rohe. But then one must consider this: Mies did experiment with other forms than boxes, that much is known from looking at his...
  9. Z

    The Weather

    (Homage Time.) Perhaps we have "storm" trooper(s) on the website. Let me ask our mystery man how many do we have (and don't say who!) © 2000 by Neil Mishalov Whew! ... he almost did say...
  10. Z

    Twilight at Tempelhof airport

    I assume you know that Ernst Sagebiel designed Tempelhof airport during the Nazi period. And it has that characteristic style that is still quite recognisable for that era.
  11. Z

    Fun in the Sun

    Spanish is such an easy language to learn, take the conversational version in a local college and you will never regret it. I use Spanish to get around Italy and even Brasil, where in both cases it is not the native tongue. And it opens up all those South American options beyond what is...
  12. Z

    Harper makes us proud once again

    Nature’s review of Lockwood and Fröhlich’s solar study - a non-sceptic alternative Nature 448, 8-9 (5 July 2007) | doi:10.1038/448008a; Published online 4 July 2007 No solar hiding place for greenhouse sceptics Quirin Schiermeier A study has confirmed that there are no grounds...
  13. Z

    Why does Toronto settle for bad names?

    Sean Marshall really doesn't like this name: December 3rd, 2007 The GTTA is Now Metrolinx Posted by Sean Marshall The Greater Toronto Transportation Authority (or GTTA) has come up with a new marketing name and a new website. The new name is Metrolinx. The name and website are...
  14. Z

    The Weather

    One of my favourites:
  15. Z

    1 St Thomas (Lee Development, 29s, Stern)

    Well I have given my views on 1ST quite explicitly, and you have given your opinion here. I have actually addressed X Condo several times. Look back and you will see where it fits in my view. I have a feeling that you will be surprised.
  16. Z

    Harper makes us proud once again

    Blasts from the Past - Part 3 (Negative vs Positive Water Vapour Feedback) Scientific American Magazine - November, 2001 Dissent in the Maelstrom Maverick meteorologist Richard S. Lindzen keeps right on arguing that human-induced global warming isn't a problem By Daniel Grossman...
  17. Z

    1 St Thomas (Lee Development, 29s, Stern)

    An intriguing and thoughtful post Archivist. Putting it this way, while not identical to my thoughts, is actually not too far removed from them at the same time. You have explored quite deftly the obnoxious factor. I have to believe that most people who even casually get into Stern, the man...
  18. Z

    Snow Storm, Downtown Toronto Dec. 16th

    Complicated names like yours dt_toronto_geek have to be copied not typed in. Loved the photos. When it first falls, especially this much, it often looks like a postcard. But then it gets dirty and it causes disruptions and it has to be moved ... you know the routine. Smuncky your first few in...
  19. Z

    Harper makes us proud once again

    Blasts from the Past - Part 2 Science climate conflict warms up By Lesley Curwen One Planet, BBC World Service Last Updated: 26 April 2007 But other scientific opinion backs the argument that much of the warming happens because of natural cycles, not greenhouse gases. ...
