Architect: Teeple Architects
Address: 28 Eastern Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Townhouse, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 149 ft / 45.40 mStoreys: 12 storeys
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Toronto 28 Eastern | 45.4m | 12s | Alterra | Teeple Architects

...I think Teeple has a thing of casting their pearls before developer swine. /sigh
No pix but it looks like the first occupants have just started moving in as tasteful blinds and stuff on the lower balconies has begun to appear as of 8 February.
No pix but it looks like the first occupants have just started moving in as tasteful blinds and stuff on the lower balconies has begun to appear as of 8 February.
Maybe this was a different building, I haven't seen any evidence of occupants.
