Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Is the DVP flooded? Just a couple of cars trickling through onto the Gardiner.
How is our Don flood protection going?
Okay so that it's officially the biggest test of the Lower Don Lands flooding yet. Let's see some pictures!!!

Is the river out of it's banks? What's it look like?
While the new river is connected, the north plug is still mostly in place. That 2m stretch is not providing much relief. The only chance for it make a meaningful contribution would be if the level was so high as to overtop the plug which would be catastrophic flooding in the valley.
While the new river is connected, the north plug is still mostly in place. That 2m stretch is not providing much relief. The only chance for it make a meaningful contribution would be if the level was so high as to overtop the plug which would be catastrophic flooding in the valley.

Well this is the river level at Gerrard Street Bridge at 1:15PM. Just snapped these myself. It's all headed down to the PLUG. Wouldn't be surprised if it overtops it. But who knows, maybe Keating Channel can handle it all.

Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 1.17.29 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 1.17.41 PM.png
Wow, I’ve posted some work they’re doing on the “Roads: Gardiner Expressway catch-all, incl. Hybrid Design (2015-onwards)” thread.
Wow, I’ve posted some work they’re doing on the “Roads: Gardiner Expressway catch-all, incl. Hybrid Design (2015-onwards)” thread.

In the case of the DVP - I don't believe any of them would have kept that section from flooding - the highway will always be on the wrong side of FPLs.

Pinnacle Centre, not Pinnacle One Yonge, seemed to have a power outage last night, the whole tower was blacked out. The parking lot (which is overground) had flashing lights. I have pictures but I’ll post them later probably on the Pinnacle One Yonge thread.
