Developer: Trinity Development Group Inc.
Architect: B+H Architects
Address: 250 Wincott Dr, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Community Centre), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 340 ft / 103.75 mStoreys: 31 storeys
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Toronto Richview Square | 103.75m | 31s | Trinity Group | B+H

A couple of our Volunteers spoke to the Etobicoke York Community Council this morning.

Based on some "last-minute" materials that were posted to TMMIS last-night, and Councillor Holyday's motions that PASSED at Committee today, it looks like the Total Unit-Count is 640, and the Affordable-Housing units count via OPEN DOOR program is 63 units for 25-year period. City "might" be able to extend that period beyond 25 years with the help of CMHC funds as the site progresses thru Site-Plan Approval.


The lands along this strip have been terribly mismanaged. I still can't believe they built towns so close to a busy major artery about to receive an LRT. They miscalculated terribly. Those sites can hold at least four 10+ story towers. Short sightedness from both the local building department and the developer to say the least.

Anyways back to the topic why are they reducing the heights here? Are the NIMBYs complaining about traffic and shadows? This area should have 20 story towers. It's a high density area with the LRT coming in 10-15 years.
The lands along this strip have been terribly mismanaged. I still can't believe they built towns so close to a busy major artery about to receive an LRT. They miscalculated terribly. Those sites can hold at least four 10+ story towers. Short sightedness from both the local building department and the developer to say the least.
This was a CALCULATION, not a "Miscalculation". Councillor Holyday has a BA in Architectural Science from Ryerson University, and worked with his father (former Etobicoke Mayor) to keep any meaningful density out out the area.

Those townhouses locked down the land, at the intersection that will surround the new underground LRT a density the folks with backyard pools can live with.
The new renderings are updated in the database! The new docs include the information for Phase 1 & 2 of the project. Building C's height increased a bit from 48.45m to 49.00m. The total unit count in building C reduced a bit from 299 units to 281 units.
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View attachment 446371

does that represent a forthcoming resubmission for phase two based on this being located within an MTSA now? That 30-storey tower (looks like they're sticking with the short 12-storey tower for phase one) is waaaaaaay taller and larger than what the local community badgered the developer down to from the initial plans. This neighbourhood was so NIMBY it was unreal, and they are going to go ballistic when they see this.


does that represent a forthcoming resubmission for phase two based on this being located within an MTSA now?

It does! We know this, because this post is the resubmission!

That 30-storey tower (looks like they're sticking with the short 12-storey tower for phase one) is waaaaaaay taller and larger than what the local community badgered the developer down to from the initial plans. This neighbourhood was so NIMBY it was unreal, and they are going to go ballistic when they see this.


Ha! No doubt! The 12s building is now 13s but within the approved height in M of the original. The taller buildings are now 31s and 22s.

The unit count has rocketed up to 1,030. That's 33% larger than the largest iteration previously proposed. Total parking has dropped again to 808 spaces, including retail; that's minus 124 spaces from the April '21 zoning.

@HousingNowTO will definitely be interested in something here. The Affordable Housing component has increased to 99 units, an increase of 83% from the April '21 package.


Link to the latest rezoning submission:

I wonder if UT is thinking of giving developers an award for most rezoning submissions on the same site in less than 5 years?



The above is the only new render in the package; though there are some elevation drawings below:



Text from the Planning Rationale Report:





To compare the above with previous iterations, see this summary in my post, here:




1) That'll teach those Nimbys not to hold things up! If the shovels were in the ground on this, they could have had their dream of lower heights, lower densities and greater parking; too much bargaining, too much passage of time.........and oops.

2) I'm entirely pleased with Greater density, more Affordable Housing and Less parking.

3) The site organization is still beyond goofy and regrettable.

4) The surface parking, particularly south of the retail (between the residential buildings) remains unacceptable.

5) This site still under performs its potential
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I'm confused about this - despite the intense volatility by the neighbourhood NIMBY's that managed to whittle down the original proposal to a mere 12 storeys, now the developer is proposing a 31 storey tower?? Self-flagellation in full force it seems...

What are the chances that this dramatically increased height proposal will get approved when local outrage sank the height of the original proposal? I don't understand what the developer is trying to accomplish with this. It almost comes across as trolling.
I'm confused about this - despite the intense volatility by the neighbourhood NIMBY's that managed to whittle down the original proposal to a mere 12 storeys, now the developer is proposing a 31 storey tower?? Self-flagellation in full force it seems...

What are the chances that this dramatically increased height proposal will get approved when local outrage sank the height of the original proposal? I don't understand what the developer is trying to accomplish with this. It almost comes across as trolling.
The locals were able to mangle this down to something small back before MTSAs were a thing. Now that they are a thing, I don't think they'll have any way of stopping the increased ask.

I'm confused about this - despite the intense volatility by the neighbourhood NIMBY's that managed to whittle down the original proposal to a mere 12 storeys, now the developer is proposing a 31 storey tower?? Self-flagellation in full force it seems...

What are the chances that this dramatically increased height proposal will get approved when local outrage sank the height of the original proposal? I don't understand what the developer is trying to accomplish with this. It almost comes across as trolling.
...the building was "barely" viable in the earlier iteration.

Now, in 2023 with current Construction-Costs & Interest-Rates... 31-storeys is probably the minimum size that "pencils" for CMHC, etc.

Same lesson as was learned on the City Lands in City Place -
I just keep laughing anytime I see updates with this proposal, because I cant get over what a disaster this stretch of Eglinton has become.

All thanks to Doug and Rob! But the NIMBYs dont know this, because they were "for the people" right?
