Toronto XO Condos | 53.64m | 14s | Lifetime | Core Architects

I assume it's so the pile drivers could move around freely without worrying of going off balance
They are currently doing this for King Toronto. Seen the back filling on number of projects over the year before drilling begins
Does anyone know how heritage building on the corner will be dealt with ?
Would they prop it from below like The One, or just dig around ?
Does anyone know how heritage building on the corner will be dealt with ?
Would they prop it from below like The One, or just dig around ?
The heritage building on the corner is not part of the development, they are building around it.

May 2, 2020

New docs posted on Application Information Centre; on June 22, 2020 for 1221 King West.

Brace yourself for the incoming Turner Fleischer grey spandrel special.

1221 King West:







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This thing is going to be atrocious. Parkdale and Liberty Village are both already dull and depressing, and this is only going to make things much worse.

There needs to be some kind of provision that forces developers to incorporate colour into developments, all the grey is absolutely ridiculous.
Damnit. This thing was clearly originally designed for curtian wall.. They just *had* to cut that corner, didn't they?
"dark brown textured precast"

Well that's a bummer. The one redeeming feature were the brick frames that would have balanced out the amount of spandrel, but now I'm worried it's just going to be an earth toned blob.
And to add to the concerns, we already know Lifetime's track record of using the cheapest materials possible. If they dont use quality for downtown and midtown builds, they sure as heck wont be using it here.

This is going to be a disgusting disgrace.
Was by here today; didn't get a chance for pics, but can report that excavation has begun near the rear lot line, only down a little bit so far, while shoring is going on right next to the sidewalk on King.

They had the sidewalk closed.

Standing, not more than ~2M from the shoring rig and hearing it break ground is quite impressive.
