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Is it time to do-away with gender-segregated washrooms?

Northern Light

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May 20, 2007
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To spoil the plot, my own position is yes. I fail to see a point in them.

However, my reason for posting was this article coming up when I was looking for alternatives to the word paternalism

Read and comment.
Nope. Having just returned from China, I’m nostalgic for the trough and chest to floor urinal and its belittlement of the shy and those weak of stream.

To end male only washrooms is to end the urinal, and that last bit of maleness, the ability to urinate perpendicularly from the standing position. Instead we’re all pushed onto toilets, with the ladies telling us off for leaving the seat up.
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...Instead we’re all pushed onto toilets, with the ladies telling us off for leaving the seat up.

Self-lowering toilet seats?


From link. lol
To end male only washrooms is to end the urinal, and that last bit of maleness, the ability to urinate perpendicularly from the standing position. Instead we’re all pushed onto toilets, with the ladies telling us off for leaving the seat up.
So ridiculous it could pass as satire
You forget the biggest point in favour of gender specific washrooms - women have periods. Sometimes they come at the most inconvenient times and in the most inconvenient places, a little bit of privacy is not too much to ask. I think it is respectful to have both male and female washrooms, where it is possible.
i wouldn't mind if they got rid of washrooms with urinals. I hate urinating next to some guy who comes up to the urinal next to me, and then snorts, horks and farts..... Yuck! Men are gross.
I remember when the tragically short-lived Circa had unisex pissers downstairs.

I remember thinking that finally someone understood my cohort.

@AdmiralBeez , get this....they still had urinals!

It was the best. I mean, as far as club washrooms go.
You forget the biggest point in favour of gender specific washrooms - women have periods. Sometimes they come at the most inconvenient times and in the most inconvenient places, a little bit of privacy is not too much to ask. I think it is respectful to have both male and female washrooms, where it is possible.

Why would there not be privacy? One is not discussing transparent stalls.

To end male only washrooms is to end the urinal, and that last bit of maleness, the ability to urinate perpendicularly from the standing position. Instead we’re all pushed onto toilets, with the ladies telling us off for leaving the seat up.

Noted as satire elsewhere, I'll simply say, I don't see why you can't have a urinal in a private stall.
Self-lowering toilet seats?
I'm not that sure it would help if the person(s) prior are pigs. If I were a girl, I'd prefer the seat to be left up. Greater chance it won't get peed on. I never understood the feigned etiquette of leaving the seat down. Chances are 49:51/2 that the next person to use the toilet is why put the seat at risk?
I fail to see a point in them.
The math alone makes the point. If there's only one, well....

And if there's two, a *much greater than 50% chance compared to two segregated ones* that one will be available when you need it.

C'mon: How many of you had segregated toilets at home? Was there any problem other than having sisters who took extraordinary sessions in them? (and you had to use the one down the basement?)
Urinal in a stall? Boring.

Circa had what looked like a normal men's washroom (with a wall of urinals and some stalls) and it was open to all.

You could literally chat up a girl whilst pissing into a urinal.
It was the future!
Alas, it's now a Marshalls. Lame.
