Every crane dotting Toronto's ever-expanding skyline represents a development that has successfully navigated a complex system of planning approvals. Proposals are judged against layers of municipal and provincial policies and precedent established over years. Recently, a new landscape of appeal tribunals tasked with settling planning disputes has been introduced, while the city experiences a historic growth spurt with major implications for infrastructure, transit, and the provision of basic municipal services.

Construction on Downtown Yonge Street has exploded in recent years, image by Marcus Mitanis

Toronto is changing fast, and it can be difficult to stay on top of those changes. While development applications are publicly available for perusal, traversing the labyrinth of websites and documents that contain that information can be overwhelming and cumbersome. This past summer, UrbanToronto launched the New Development Insider, a daily email blast that packages and presents the latest updates to development applications big and small. The tool allows subscribers to track new materials—including renderings, architectural plans and project data sheets—that accompany applications for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning Bylaw Amendments and Site Plan Control. Projects are linked back to UrbanToronto's diverse online community, where members of the Forum engage in active discussion. 

A sample portion of a recent New Development Insider issue

Minor Variances and Consent applications that arrive at the City of Toronto's Committee of Adjustment are also tracked through the New Development Insider, as are appeals, hearings, and the decisions of both the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and the Toronto Local Appeal Body. Important Committee and City Council matters impacting everything from specific developments to entire neighbourhoods, are highlighted alongside upcoming projects facing scrutiny from the Design Review Panel. Find out when shovels are ready to hit the ground with weekly building permit data, and watch them climb as the UrbanToronto community captures the construction process.

The New Development Insider is the easiest way to stay informed and follow developments through the planning process. You can learn more about the New Development Insider and sign up by visiting the subscription page.