Going well beyond the scope of UrbanToronto's regular 'Throwback Thursday' feature, our sister site, SkyriseCities, recently took a look at the history of Toronto's Bloor-Danforth streetcar line. Long before subway trains passed beneath the traffic on the Bloor Viaduct, a busy streetcar line served the east-end artery. Now, with Line 2's green stripe long an integral part of the civic consciousness, it's easy to forget—and equally important to remember—what was there before. SkyriseCities 'Once Upon a Tram' has more: 

Bloor Street Viaduct, streetcar in service, c. 1920s, public domain archival image

Walking along Toronto's Bloor-Danforth today, one cannot help but notice the subtle yet marked shifts in the local landscape that come and go with each and every neighbourhood that is passed. From High Park to Bloordale, Koreatown to the Annex, and Yorkville to Greektown, Bloor-Danforth exists as a quintessentially "Toronto" main street. With its endless kilometres of anonymous low-rise retail punctuated by small bursts of highrises and big-city boutiques, the commercial thoroughfare is little different at first glance from any other such Toronto main street, whether it be King, Queen, or Yonge. The reason for this is simple: Bloor-Danforth, like virtually all of Toronto's major downtown arteries, was once home to a bustling streetcar route, and the busy commercial thoroughfare owes its place in the city today to the streetcar line that graced the street from 1890 to 1968. This edition of Once Upon a Tram will take an in-depth look at the fascinating history of the Bloor-Danforth Streetcar.

You can find the rest of the story on our sister site, SkyriseCities.com