Toronto's newest lakefront community will soon have its first residents as construction of Tridel and HinesAqualina at Bayside draws closer to completion on Queens Quay, just east of Lower Sherbourne. The 13-storey Arquitectonica-designed condominium development began construction a little over two years ago, starting with shoring. Excavation for the underground garage was followed by the installation of tower cranes in summer 2015. Structural forming was completed in late 2016.

Aqualina viewed from the west on Queens Quay, image by Greg Lipinski

The most easily seen progress on Aqualina currently is the installation of the building's cladding. At the south end of the site, a cube-shaped volume has been clad in a curtain wall glazing system manufactured by Toro Glasswall, while the remaining volumes are covered in a tinted window wall system. The various volumes that make up the building's stacked box aesthetic are clearly framed by sections of white precast concrete.

Southwest-facing aerial view of Aqualina, image by Forum contributor Razz

While cladding of the north mechanical penthouse remains to be completed, the installation of the building's glass balcony guards is the other big exterior job still to be done.

Aqualina viewed from the east on Queens Quay, image by Greg Lipinski

Aqualina's 362 units range in size between 548 ft² and 2,100 ft². Both interior and outdoor amenities are appointed by II BY IV Design Associates. At ground level, Via Velo, a two-storey retail-lined, sheltered walkway carves through the building, joining Sherbourne Common with the neighbourhood to the east. Tridel's following condos, Aquavista and Aquabella, will be the next two along the water's edge.

Aquaina at Bayside, image courtesy of Tridel/Hines

Additional information and renderings can be found in the project's dataBase file, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment using the space provided at the bottom of this page.

Related Companies:  EQ Building Performance Inc., Hines, II BY IV DESIGN, KIRKOR Architects and Planners, Tridel