We have been extensively covering the different stages of construction of Fuse & Fuse2 Condos, situated on the northwest corner of the Dupont and Lansdowne intersection. Developed by Neudorfer Corporation, two towers are currently rising above a preserved brick warehouse formerly owned by GE, and will eventually stand 27 and 23 storeys above street level. While Fuse is close to topping off on the east portion of the site, further west, Fuse2 has started to emerge from the ground.

Fuse condos, Neudorfer Corporation, Barrett Architect, Burka ArchitectsFuse condos seen from Davenport Village, picture by Nicolas Arnaud-Goddet

As phase one now stands at a height of 24 storeys, it is only a matter of weeks before the structure reaches its final height. In anticipation of this milestone, a topping-off ceremony is being planned for November, confirming the imminent completion of the concrete structure. It will eventually consist of 290 residential units, and will feature a wide array of amenities such as a yoga studio, an outdoor terrace, a library and a lounge, all housed in the base of the tower. The older brick warehouse, visible in the photo below, will feature retail at ground level, with a Metro 24 hour grocery store and a Shoppers Drugmart, as well as second floor lofts above.

Fuse condos, Neudorfer Corporation, Barrett Architect, Burka ArchitectsFuse Condos looking northeast, picture by Nicolas Arnaud-Goddet

More precast cladding has also been installed on the building since our last visit, now partially covering the first 12 floors, as seen in the picture below. In the upcoming weeks, we should see the installation of the first windows and the remainder of the cladding. The occupancy of phase one is tentatively scheduled for Spring 2016, leaving only a few months for the construction crews to finish off the lower portion of the tower. 

Fuse condos, Neudorfer Corporation, Barrett Architect, Burka ArchitectsPrecast is gradually being installed, picture by Nicolas Arnaud-Goddet

To the west, it will be several more months before the second tower starts rising above the surrounding mid-rise buildings. However, the structure has made significant progress over the last months, and is now at grade, with work being executed on what will be the tower's podium. Hoarding was recently put in place to protect pedestrians from the construction that will soon take place above. The first residents of this 286-unit building are expected to start moving in by next summer, and will add to the developing street life in this formerly industrial part of town.

Fuse condos, Neudorfer Corporation, Barrett Architect, Burka ArchitectsPhase 2 is now rising above ground, picture by Nicolas Arnaud-Goddet

Indeed, changes are happening rather quickly in Davenport Village as more townhouses and condominiums keep replacing disused factories and the land around them. The Barrett Architect and Burka Architects-designed development is also starting to have a strong visual presence when viewed from neighbouring areas. To illustrate this rapid evolution, a mural was recently completed along the Lansdowne underpass, adding a welcome splash of colour to an otherwise dreary passage as well as a stronger urban character to the intersection, as seen below.

Fuse condos, Neudorfer Corporation, Barrett Architect, Burka ArchitectsA new mural was recently completed to illustrate the changes in the area, picture by Nicolas Arnaud-Goddet

Additional information and renderings can be found in our dataBase file for Fuse and Fuse2, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the space provided at the bottom of this page.
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