Unbeknownst to you, dear readers, UT's developers have recently been busy working behind the scenes on some exciting new updates to our Forum. What was once a few "skyscraper geeks" discussing new developments in the GTA has grown to become the most popular site of its kind, with over 200,000 unique users per month visiting and contributing to the discussions.

In order to keep things fresh and ensure the site is working optimally for you, it's necessary to dig in and do some serious work this weekend. We will be upgrading our software, which will require a complete shutdown of the Forum for the weekend. The Forum will be down for maintenance from approximately midnight tonight until the early morning hours on Monday.

The layout and functionality of the new UrbanToronto Forum will be a vast improvement to what we are currently running. In addition, we'll be introducing a number of new features we are sure you will enjoy. Don't forget you can still keep up with us over the weekend on TwitterFacebook and Instagram. And our News page and dataBase sections of the site will be up and running as usual.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

— The UrbanToronto Team

image by Jack Landau