Every Spring, Doors Open Toronto gives the public inside access to some of the city's most important cultural and architectural landmarks. We have already featured a number of photos from the event in a recent article, and new photos from Doors Open continue to appear on the UrbanToronto Flickr Pool. In today's Photo of the Day, which was submitted to the UrbanToronto Flickr Pool by Peter Crock, we are taken to the observation deck atop City Hall's east tower, off-limits to the public for 363 days a year, for a view down towards Nathan Phillips Square below.

View of Nathan Phillips Square as seen from the City Hall observation deck during Doors Open 2015, image by Peter Crock

Want to see your work featured as Photo of the Day? Head over to the City Photos & Videos section of the Forum, or submit your images to the new and improved UrbanToronto Flickr Pool for your chance to be featured on our Front Page!