Ford touts $50-million savings plan as Toronto budget debate begins; Toronto councillor seeks to hit brakes on subway extension as city weighs budget; TTC looking into more flexible transfer rules; and more news.

Ford touts $50-million savings plan as Toronto budget debate begins  (Globe & Mail)

Toronto Hydro’s ice storm woes followed cuts to budget for tree trimming  (Globe & Mail)

Toronto councillor seeks to hit brakes on subway extension as city weighs budget (Globe & Mail)

TTC looking into more flexible transfer rules (Globe & Mail)

Welcome to Toronto, where it’s ‘just say no’: Hume (Toronto Star)

Doug Ford: “People don't care" about Rob Ford’s personal issues (Toronto Star)

Q&A with mayor candidate David Soknacki (Toronto Star)

Rob Ford denies connection to Anthony Smith murder in first detailed comments on infamous gang killing (National Post)

Public Works: Are Alleys the Answer for Urban Renewal? (Torontoist)