Rob Ford hires new driver and staffer amid furor over latest video; Jim Flaherty chokes up when asked about Rob Ford's troubles; Toronto's top civil servant says the city is not in crisis; and more news.

Rob Ford hires new driver and staffer amid furor over latest video (Globe & Mail)

New video of ‘extremely inebriated’ Toronto Mayor Rob Ford surfaces (Globe & Mail)

Jim Flaherty chokes up when asked about Rob Ford’s troubles (Globe & Mail)

Rob Ford's mother says mayor needs to ‘smarten up’ — but not go to rehab (Toronto Star)

Rob Ford getting no help from his family: James (Toronto Star)

Tasers: Toronto police board rejects Chief Bill Blair’s request to buy more (Toronto Star)

Top Rob Ford ally wants Ontario to step in so mayor can be removed (Toronto Star)

Toronto’s Top Civil Servant: The City is Not in Crisis (Torontoist)