As 2012 gets going, we are still looking back at the best of 2011, while anticipating what the new year may have in store for those of us who follow development in Toronto. Over the last week we have been asking what your recent favourites have been from this busy time!

Downtown Toronto at dusk, image by Craig White

If you haven't done so yet, you still have a chance to vote on our five year end polls, which will be up until this Sunday at midnight. Next Monday we'll take a look at 2011's winners, and what you're most looking forward to this year.

Toronto Nighttime Skyline by Quicksilver

A whole lot was completed on our skyline in 2011: most additions were condominiums of course, so our first poll asks 'What was your favourite completed condominium from 2011'? Currently the number one spot in the poll is a building not pictured in the skyline above, but one off to the west: no prizes for guessing which one! The project in the number two spot can be seen above however. Do you know which one? Click the link above to visit the poll and vote - and see how your response meshes with the results.

University of Toronto, detail, by Tomms

With significant infrastructure funds available to colleges and universities over the last few years, many new post-secondary buildings were completed in 2011. The top two buildings currently leading our poll are both by the same architectural firm. Do you have a guess which one? Vote on your favourite new or expanded post-secondary education building off 2011 and see how your thoughts compare.

Sakura trees in bloom in High Park, Toronto, image by Craig White

Two new outdoor spaces in Toronto are currently in a virtual tie for favourite new outdoor space from 2011, to be added to the likes of the Toronto Island Parks, Nathan Phillips Square, and High Park, pictured above. Another contender is running close by in third. Drop into the poll at the link above, and make your views known!

Longos at Maple Leaf Square, opened in 2010, image by Craig White

A few new grocery stores opened in Toronto in 2010, like the impressive Longos at Maple Leaf Square above, and then 2011 saw several more added to the list. One of our voters says the 2011 vote isn't even a fair fight, and he's right: one store is running away with the title of favourite new major grocery store from 2011, and that's no real surprise. There are other stores fighting for some recognition though: drop by the poll above to cast your vote, and see who's coming nipping at the leader's heels!

Bridgepoint Hospital, design by Diamond + Schmitt Architects, to be completed in 2013, image 2011.10.07 by Drum118

There is a lot scheduled to be completed in 2012 that we've been watching going up over the last year. Some of current crop of buildings under construction, like the new Bridgepoint Hospital pictured above, won't complete until 2013 or even beyond, but we've listed 27 projects where we expect the doors to officially be thrown open over the next 12 months. There is much anticipation for a number of these projects, but one of them has clearly grabbed our reader's attention more than any other. Are you part of the rising tide for this project? Drop into our last poll to vote for your most anticipated completion in 2012 and see how your hopes are shared!

Remember, you only have until this Sunday at midnight to help sway the votes!