The Republic, the complex of two new 24- and 27-storey residential towers joining a revitalized North Toronto Collegiate Institute, has reached completion. Construction crews have made the final adjustments to the landscaping of the school's new facade and full-length football field and track. Below are some images courtesy of UrbanToronto user ShonTron:

Facade of North Toronto Collegiate Institute, image by ShonTron

The residential towers seem to be incorporated well with the school, utilizing a similar colour palette and design style. Here we see the front of the school with the towers adjacent and behind.

NTCI with Towers Adjacent and Behind, image by ShonTron

Finally, the football track and running field — still being landscaped when this photo was taken. The football field has been clipped at the corners to optimize space for the running track.

Football Field and Running Track at NTCI, image by ShonTron

Followers of The Republic project may already know that the two towers have been developed by Tridel, in partnership with the Toronto District School Board who traded property rights in exchange for contributions toward the redevelopment of North Toronto Collegiate Institute. The school looks pretty dashing, at least from the outside. We hear its historic facade has been incorporated inside the new building.

For background info on The Republic, read UrbanToronto's Forum thread devoted to this project here.

Related Companies:  o2 Planning and Design, Tridel