Today's Photo Of The Day, taken by Urban Toronto forum member tomms, looks north towards Yonge and Bloor and further north towards Yonge and Eglinton. We've tried to figure out where the photo was taken from but have given up. Care to take a guess?
This view will remain for maybe a year or so until One Bloor East condos starts to rise and block out the view of 2 Bloor East (the one with The Bay sign).
Here's what to expect at One Bloor.
Developed by Great Gulf Homes, the 70 storey condo was designed by Hariri Pontarini Architects. Construction work is expected to begin in May. Meanwhile you can get more information by registering here. Tell them Urban Toronto says hi!
This article was originally published in forum thread: One Bloor (1 Bloor East, Great Gulf, 70s, Hariri Pontarini)