UrbanToronto member casaguy recently took these photos of new activity at Great Gulf Homes' One Bloor site. The digging in question is not exactly the start of excavation for the 70-storey tower, but en exploration of what remains under the surface after the mishmash of buildings that stood on the land were levelled for the ill-fated Bazis One Bloor East project. Once remaining permits from the City are obtained, excavation and construction will start in earnest.

Image by casaguy

Image by casaguy

Image by casaguy

When complete, the Hariri-Pontarini Architects designed building will contain 3 levels of retail; one below grade, one at grade, and one above, with 67 storeys of residential units in the podium and tower, topped by a peaked mechanical floor. Marked by sensuous curves, the complex will look like this:

Project Rendering, image courtesy of Great Gulf Homes

Project Rendering, image courtesy of Great Gulf Homes

Related Companies:  Baker Real Estate Incorporated, Bass Installation, Cecconi Simone, First Capital, Great Gulf, Hariri Pontarini Architects, Isotherm Engineering Ltd., Jablonsky, Ast and Partners, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, Kramer Design Associates Limited, L.A. Inc., Rebar Enterprises Inc