Sarah Thomson is running for Mayor and yesterday she announced her transportation platform. Subway advocates are going to love her and driving advocates are going to curse her. Thomson's plan calls for a major expansion of the subway system including the extension of both the Danforth and Sheppard lines to Scarbourgh Town Centre, a full east/west Eglinton line that goes from Kennedy to the airport and a new Downtown Relief Line going from Pape down to Union and then back up to Dundas West. The expansion would total 58km in new subway over a ten year period. And how to pay for this? She proposes tolling the DVP and Gardiner, which she estimates would raise $500 million a year. The tolls would be dedicated to subway expansion and would end once the plan was completed. She would also kill Transit City with the money earmarked for it being used for the subway plan. 

Sarah Thompson's vision for Toronto subway system (2010)

What do you think?