The new Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Toronto by Menkes and Lifetime Developments is starting to rise. Here are four new views taken from the balcony of DSM Leasing, kitty corner from the construction site at the northwest corner of Bay and Scollard. First, an overall view:

Four Seasons Hotel and Condominium by Menkes and Lifetime with aA and P+SExterior of the Four Seasons Hotel and Condominium Under Construction

Taking a closer look at the future ballroom podium:

Four Seasons Hotel and Condominium by Menkes and Lifetime with aA and P+SPodium of the Four Seasons Ballroom Under Construction

Even closer, check out the floor made up of very thin trusses sitting one level below the massive trusses. Could that be temporary? Or if it is to be a floor like any other, why such different construction? UT will try to find out in coming days!

Four Seasons Hotel and Condominium by Menkes and Lifetime with aA and P+SPodium of the Four Seasons Ballroom Under Construction

Finally, a bit of a view through openings in the structure toward the courtyard on the south side.

Four Seasons Hotel and Condominium by Menkes and Lifetime with aA and P+SLooking into the Southern Courtyard at the Four Seasons Hotel and Condominium

posted: 2010-04-28 03:34:30

Related Companies:  architects—Alliance, CCxA, Menkes Developments, o2 Planning and Design