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US Midterm Election

... counting continues this morning. Montana at one point was only 1,400 votes apart. There's a more comfortable 3,000 difference, with advantage to the Dems.

I don't think a recount will change things. The Democrats win the Senate and the House.

Seems like the priority is getting Bush to fire Rumsfield (or have him resign). Iraq's future just got a lot brighter since last night.

I think Iraq's future is set the moment US decided to get directly involved. The change in government might lead to different ends for the US in Iraq however.

Seems like the priority is getting Bush to fire Rumsfield (or have him resign). Iraq's future just got a lot brighter since last night.

And just one day later, he is gone.

Rumsfeld resigns as U.S. defence secretary

U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who has overseen the execution of the unpopular war in Iraq, is stepping down after Democrats made major gains in mid-term elections.

President George W. Bush confirmed Rumsfeld's resignation at a news conference at 1 p.m. ET Wednesday.

Rumsfeld, who held the post for six years, will be succeeded by former CIA director Robert Gates, Bush said.

Until then, Bush had said he would keep Rumsfeld, who has overseen the execution of the U.S.-led campaign in Iraq, for the next two years.

Earlier on Wednesday, a spokesman for Rumsfeld said he had given no indication that he would step down in the wake of Democratic gains in Tuesday's election.

The spokesman said Rumsfeld would work with Congress on Iraq but added that the focus on stabilizing the country will remain the same.
Yeah. Who would have thought it would be Montana? Cracks appearing in Jesusland? Stay tuned.

It seems the Senate is going to be Dems' as well - they hold a lead in VA, and apparently the outstanding ballots comes from DC.

Rumsfeld "resigns"


Rumsfeld steps down as defence secretary

Donald Rumsfeld, the US secretary of defence, is to resign from his post, the US president has said. FULL STORY

and also:

Arabs link Republican loss to Iraq war

Many Arabs say that the results will force Bush to exit from Iraq

People across the Mideast feel that the Republican losses in the US elections have come as a price the US president had to pay for his failed Iraq policy.

Aljazeera television said on its website on Wednesday that the elections, in which Democrats regained the House and were challenging Republicans for control of the Senate, had been shaped "by an unpopular war in Iraq" as well as scandals at home and dissatisfaction with President Bush. FULL STORY

And of course, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will certain have views on Rumsfeld et al.

The Mississauga Muse
Re: Rumsfeld "resigns"

It's very interesting and satisfying to see the Republicans and Rumsfeld with mud on their faces, but let's not get too excited. The spineless Dems won't do much for Canada and so much damage has been done in Iraq that at this point really who cares who's in power.
Re: Rumsfeld "resigns"

ganjavih wrote:

It's very interesting and satisfying to see the Republicans and Rumsfeld with mud on their faces, but let's not get too excited. The spineless Dems won't do much for Canada and so much damage has been done in Iraq that at this point really who cares who's in power.

Yep. And that's what that second ALJEZEERA article said:

Some Arabs dismissed the results because they saw little difference between Democrats and Republicans on issues such as US support for Israel.

"I don't believe there will be any change at all in US policy," said Yousef Abu Hijra, who runs a mobile phone shop in Amman. "There's no difference between the two parties."

However, I happened to be listening to Bush-Live when he said:

Amid this time of change, I have a message for those on the front lines: To our enemies, do not be joyful.

I was joyful anyway.

The Mississauga Muse
Re: Rumsfeld "resigns"

I welcome the departure of Rumsfeld and the arrival of Gates who was an opponent of Rumsfeld's handling of the war nearly from the start.

We're going to see a radical shift on how this war is fought from now on.

I think we might even see Bush conceding to the obvious solution: allowing Iraq to break into 3 self governed regions with one central government dolling out oil money equally to each region.
Iraq is already dominated by 3 major groups who have been fighting against each other to maintain their territories. All the US has to do is legitimize them and their regions and they'll do a good job of policing them.

Of course, each region would have to be free and democratic and acknowledge the central government.

I think that's the best solution and the only way to start pulling out troops in the short term.
Yeah. Who would have thought it would be Montana? Cracks appearing in Jesusland? Stay tuned.

Though Montana's other senator, Max Baucus, is also Democratic. Also, both of North Dakota's senators are Democrats, and so was South Dakota's until Tom Daschle got dashed in '04; and likewise, Democrats-at-large represent both Dakotas (though not Montana) in the House. Even though these have been solidly Republican seats presidentially.

Yes, it's weird--but it's also why the red vs blue divide isn't as pure as it appears. (And it seems that a lot of Democratic gains and near-gains this time were founded upon the party's clever recognition of that fact...)
Okay, George Allen must be macaca-ing his pants now, it looks like Virginia's official and a Democratic senate's official...
House of Representatives Impeaches Bush
Senate Passes Impeachment
2 guys in dark suits and shades escort W out of the Oval Office.

... I don't want to wake up.
...Leading him to lead as President for about 60 unpopular weeks and being automatically selected as the Republican Presidential candidate.

...Ushering in a Democratic landslide in 2008, and leaving Cheney as a presidential footnote serving a term less than half the length of Gerald Ford.
