Toronto Waterlink at Pier 27 | 43.89m | 14s | Cityzen | a—A

This photo really shows how, between Waterlink and Corus Quay, the Redpath complex is going to be really isolated. I like that such historical industry is still operating on the lakefront, but I wonder how it will fit when everything around it moves to residential and commercial.
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^ Thanks for the pic, cfloryan.

It'd be great to see that land developed. We haven't seen much in the way of concrete plans for the area between Queen's Quay East and the Gardiner. I hope it's less like it's companion strip at York Quay, and more like the north side of Queen's Quay West between Spadina and Bathurst.
I also hope it aggressively tries to keep some fun alive - clubs, bars, theatres, etc.

It's too bad that Church Street doesn't follow right down to the water. I have to admit to fantasizing about demolishing the far east wing of the building blocking it's access just south of Front. I suppose we'd need a tunnel, too.
Nice to know the boring Toronto Star building will be completely blocked out by the new Pier 27 3rd or 4th phase highrise. Or is that just next to that still open lot...hmm anyone have a site plan...
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Nice to know the boring Toronto Star building will be completely blocked out by the new Pier 27 3rd or 4th phase highrise. Or is that just next to that still open lot...hmm anyone have a site plan...

No, i think the high-rise tower is going where the sales centre sits, to the west and due south of the Star is the future Canada Square. I don't know but i think down the line something will be done with the Star building.
Great photo! It really shows how East of Yonge between the water and the Gardiner is a blank canvas just waiting to have a great neighborhood and community built on it. There's already some good foundations like a grocery store, liquor store, waterfront, a new park, sugar beach and more. Speaking of which, does anyone know if there is a thread dealing with the parkette goin in between the Yonge st slip and Pier 27?

The Pier 27 development looks great and I'll put in my 'yay' vote for the point tower design. Yes it may not be the first or even tenth time this offset block style has been done, but I like the execution and it will really pop on the skyline. Some more colour could have been incorporated but the stark white look is nice (if it stays that way)

I don't think Redpath is going anywhere anytime soon but maybe that's not a bad thing. It lends a bit of a gritty manufacturing reality to the area without necessarily being offensive. Its an interesting anachronism and I like that large scale raw material processing can still today exist in the downtown of a North American metropolis. I find this strangely comforting.

They really need to do something about the road surface on that stretch of Queen's Quay sooner than later because it is murder on a car's suspension.

From a Porter flight:

Toronto Aerial by cfloryan, on Flickr
Redpath looks worse in the absence of anything else, the whole area looking slightly post-apocalyptic.
Amazing pic, as for Redpath I think it should go or at least cease its operations and do something unique with the building. The problems I have with Redpath is that there is a really bad smell from the processing of the sugar, some days its horrible especially in the summer. Another problem was when Pier27 was just a parking lot, I used to park there and at times would have a sticky residue left on the car. I would notice this mostly on hot summer days, so I wonder if these would be issues at Waterlink. As for the Toronto Star building, it needs a makeover as its the biggest eyesore there.
The sweet sugar coating and caramel fragrence couldn't be any worse than living next to a McDonalds: now that's a gross neighbour.
Yes indeed, if I had to pick I would still rather be next to Redpath than a McDonalds and the smell of a deep fryer! Not to mention if it has a drive-thru, had a friend at Laidlaw st whose townhouse faced the back of the Burger King and all night you can hear the annoying speaker of the drive-thru not to mention not being able to open the windows for some fresh greasy air.
I am interested in how the Waterfront Promenade will connect to Sugar Beach around the Redpath site. Can't seem to find any reference to it, in any of Waterfront Toronto's doucuments. Anyone know?
