Toronto Sixty Colborne Condos | 82.29m | 25s | Freed | a—A

PiCo has opened at the corner of Church and Colborne. Will be a nice addition to the neighbourhood.
Toronto's trend to hotel-like lobbies has always bewildered me. It's not all that common elsewhere globally either, save places like Dubai. The River City complex of buildings have done this right if you ask me. Attractive, but small and functional.

So many condo lobbies are overwhelming, ostentatious, and tacky. It would depress me and just not feel comfortable to pass through these types of spaces every day. They don't feel home-y. I feel guilty posting this on this thread though because this is such a thoughtfully done building in general!! And I think this lobby is way better than most. It's still Too Much for me but at least it's creative and trying to do something different from the usual marble/beige with generic signifiers of wealth gaudiness.
Lots of comments everywhere about spandral and the color of glass and the overall effect on the look of a tower, but unless a developer installs reasonable quality standard window coverings - plastic vertical blinds don't count - any condo tower soon resembles a run down apartment building. A shame since the design of this one is otherwise eye-catching.

The only thing that makes it look worse are bicycles and storage containers. And a dead bush.
^ I've always been surprised that most developers don't make blinds standard to form a unified look. Curtains, aluminium foil, bed sheets don't cut it.
I would rather see a mix of window coverings. It gives the sense that the building is lived in by a mix of people, as it should be. All the same window coverings make a place look like a hotel.

You'd feel right at home living in Parkdale. And not a hotel in sight!
Not a bad idea. I'm certainly nowhere near refined enough to breathe the same air you do.

I would rather see a mix of window coverings. It gives the sense that the building is lived in by a mix of people, as it should be. All the same window coverings make a place look like a hotel.


I disagree. Does Vancouver look like that? Lived there for many years and all condos come with standard blinds. Looks far superior and just as lived in as the mess you describe above.
Air's the same. The difference is whether folks have a certain pride in the property they call home.
The difference is not pride. The difference is you wanting the buildings you look out over to have identical window coverings, whereas that condo board may have a less restrictive rule on their books.

