Toronto Minto30Roe Condos | 113.08m | 34s | Minto Group | Wallman Architects

30 Roehampton will go to the right of the 8 storey office building in the centre of this photo.

Overheard at Scruffy Murphy's that there are plans to build a "mall" as part of this development. Obviously, this is hearsay, at the moment.

Has anyone else heard anything? Given the location, even though not right on Yonge, and the density of the area, it could be made into a destination as opposed to just condos and a few retail shops.
Overheard at Scruffy Murphy's that there are plans to build a "mall" as part of this development. Obviously, this is hearsay, at the moment.

Has anyone else heard anything? Given the location, even though not right on Yonge, and the density of the area, it could be made into a destination as opposed to just condos and a few retail shops.

no mall or any retail of any kind.
Overheard at Scruffy Murphy's that there are plans to build a "mall" as part of this development. Obviously, this is hearsay, at the moment.

Has anyone else heard anything? Given the location, even though not right on Yonge, and the density of the area, it could be made into a destination as opposed to just condos and a few retail shops.

It wouldn't work ... it can't be that large i.e. there's not that much space - secondly even Yonge Eglinton center isn't overly crowded (at times it's crowded but a lot other times it's generally light traffic). You're basically saying build a smaller version of that 1 block north of Yonge (and slightly east) - it'd never work!
Just something I overheard at the pub so it's only hearsay and I'm not sure if this is the location in question. Thought it might be, due to the proximity to the main intersection of Yonge & Eglinton (and I'm sure Roehampton was stated).

I'm not dreaming of a "mall" at this location. But I'd argue against some sort of cafe/restaurant/retail "never" being able to work. The Yonge-Eg Centre isn't a place where people "go shopping", but is a central throughfare that locals and people passing through via the TTC pick things up on the go. Still, it's busy and is expanding. Most of the actual shopping is on the street all the way up Yonge Street. Roehampton is in the central hub of the neighbourhood which has great foot traffic and a high population density that is only growing exponentially. Add the TTC expansion along Eglinton and in time even more people will be hanging out at Yonge & Eglinton.

There doesn't need to be a "mall" at the size and of the traditional form that we think about in terms of what a mall is. But some sort of creative retail destination could be successful there. If torontoplanner knows the project intimately enough that it's certain there will be no retail of any kind then given the demographics that exist now and that will be in the future, I'd argue that it's a lost opportunity. 30 Roehampton has been a parking lot that's been smack dab in the centre of Yonge & Eglinton because a lot of people go there. So it's actually a bit odd if this building won't be a destination and only a condo.

torontoplanner, or anyone for that matter, do you know if this building will be mixed use in any manner at all?
^ Call/email the planner (Tim Burkholder) and request to be added to the notification list. You will be added to the mailing list and will receive in the mail the Notice of Public Meeting.
May 29
Not sure if Shopper Drug store is part of this development, but it seems to be part of Yonge street that is to come down. If not, it should as there is wasted space above it.





I'm pretty sure no part of Yonge street is coming down. The entire development is on Roehampton. Reading the staff report it looks like the underground garage will be connected to another underground garage that services buildings on Yonge Street.

The demolition going on beside this site is part of Tridel's The Republic of Yonge and Eglinton. They are tearing down the old North Toronto CI to build the new football field/track.
Yup, Shoppers is part of the 2345 Yonge office complex--dunno why it was built that way, w/the office tower set way back (NIMBY concerns over streetline?), it's almost more like one of those early c20 cinemas w/tiny street frontages leading to huge spaces behind)
I'm pretty sure no part of Yonge street is coming down. The entire development is on Roehampton. Reading the staff report it looks like the underground garage will be connected to another underground garage that services buildings on Yonge Street.

The demolition going on beside this site is part of Tridel's The Republic of Yonge and Eglinton. They are tearing down the old North Toronto CI to build the new football field/track.

The old school is histroy
I dont know what the city height regulations are up here anymore, but i can see this Yonge and Eglinton area being the next big condo construction boom, similar to whats happening in the Yonge-Bloor area.
Ahhhh my old school...nooo! Actually I didn,t have my best years there anyway and the pool had a large scum line of bacteria on im not that sad!!
