Toronto Davisville Jr. Public School Redevelopment | 14.93m | 3s | Snyder Architects

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The TLC's early pilot projects include Davisville Junior Public School in midtown. The new school was a partnership between the province, the TDSB and the City of Toronto.

The province replaced the school building, the city is in charge of the future community playground and aquatic recreation centre and the TDSB leased a parcel of the property at a nominal rate to the city to build the centre, which the public will be able to use. In exchange, students will have access to the pool during specific school hours.

Lynne LeBlanc says the old school building was small and packed students together. She says her two children appreciate the new school's space and natural light. LeBlanc, who is also a parent co-chair of the Davisville Parent School Council, says the community is excited the area will have a hub of facilities everyone can use.

"Our community is going through exponential growth and it's definitely really wanted and needed in our area," she said.
Some photos from Snyder's website:

