Hamilton Augusta Block Buildings 2 & 3 | ?m | 8s | Core Urban Inc. | Lintack Architects

Yeah threw me for a loop for a second - curious to see the floor plan of that floor to see how that tower incorporates in layout wise..
From Core Urban:
Well I'll be damned.. they somehow made it work lol..

That's some interesting brick veneer they got going on.. reminds me of the old floors in center mall

Wonder what kind of treatment the pillars will get.. looks like they just sprayed the top of everything black so I'm assuming they'll get painted at the very least..
Looking good! When is the "awning" going to go up I wonder?

This has to be nicest "tallest" heritage block downtown right now outside of king william.

Also the stone looks seamless from far away *applauds* well done :)
According to Steve from Core Urban, this market is owned by Hasty Market, but is a first go at a more upscale, grocery style market. It will apparently be 24H (incredibly jealous).

He's pretty pumped about the prospect of what it means for the community and that because it's owned by a larger company it will have the buying power of a Hasty Market and so will be able to be a bit more affordable than boutique style grocers and it's very likely to be successful.
