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Rob Ford's Toronto

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On RoFo's statement at the fester: it's quite possible that when he said he wanted to thank his kids, the thought ended there; the next two names could have been referring to two other people named Douglas and Michael. IOW, "I'd like to thank my wife, Renata, my kids (whatever their names are, doesn't matter, they hate me), Douglas (could be DougAssholeMouth or some other Douglas) and Michael (Mutey, or any camping worker named Michael).

On criminal defence lawyers: I used to think they were scum but then some of my best friends are CDL's. In fact, their job is to hold the police's and prosecutor's feet to the fire to ensure that they are doing their jobs correctly and assembling unassailable proof that the accused did in fact commit the crime. These lawyers are not (most of them) trying to get guilty parties off the hook; they are there to ensure that the justice system works justly.

Saint Robert of Etobicoke on his final campaign


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They're the Canadian Kennedys, not the Canadian Borgias.

So say you, I would not be surprised by any actions the Fords undertake, even if some of those are thought of as taboo by society at large.

Anyway, in your opinion, just what are the differences between the Kennedys and the Borgias?
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On RoFo's statement at the fester: it's quite possible that when he said he wanted to thank his kids, the thought ended there; the next two names could have been referring to two other people named Douglas and Michael. IOW, "I'd like to thank my wife, Renata, my kids (whatever their names are, doesn't matter, they hate me), Douglas (could be DougAssholeMouth or some other Douglas) and Michael (Mutey, or any camping worker named Michael)...
yeah i thought that as well, that there might be a comma in there somewhere. Maybe being tired and woozy, his eye skipped a line on the teleprompter (if he was reading from one).

at my family gatherings with all the aunts/uncles and their spawn present, an adult relative has called a kid by the wrong name on more than one occasion (and not just the seniors ;))
yeah i thought that as well, that there might be a comma in there somewhere. Maybe being tired and woozy, his eye skipped a line on the teleprompter (if he was reading from one).

at my family gatherings with all the aunts/uncles and their spawn present, an adult relative has called a kid by the wrong name on more than one occasion (and not just the seniors ;))

If Robbie flubbed an address to his followers (and they were there for him, not Doug) then I agree, it's not uncommon. That no one informed him is the speculative part, and that's the rub, the Fords have created the atmosphere of mistrust and disbelief so people don't entertain "the benefit of the doubt" process.

(mini rant)

Robbie and Doug think they are smarter, even with the over sight of Diane, but they do not have the finesse to use their tools. This whole mess is a clumsy game, and I call shame on the whole cancer "event" which the root of Robbie obtaining the instant gratification he craves, even if it's though Dougie's camping. Robbie quit camping for mayor because he realised his winning in 2010 was a fluke, but he needed something to use as an excuse to escape his mistake. I'm not going to debate if the crap going on right now is a scam or not, that would be silly on my part; however, to opportunists like the Ford Family Compact it's something to be used to their advantage.

(end mini rant)
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