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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Why isn't Rob Ford inside the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre next door?

I don't know where Mount Sinai/Princess Margaret draw the line... but some of the specialists are affiliated with both hospitals. Dr. Gladdy (who happens to be one of the Sarcoma specialists on Dr. Cohen's team) performed surgery on me a few years ago at Mt. Sinai. Yet I visited her offices at Princess Margaret for post-op check-ups. (My surgery was not related to cancer (sarcoma or otherwise), I made a full recovery, etc., etc.).

Incidentally, one of the last things I remember her saying to me before I went under was that if any complications arose with the surgery she would call other specialists from the nearby hospitals who would arrive in moments.

(Also, the Zane Cohen centre is based out of Mt. Sinai).

As an aside, several thousand pages ago I remember a discussion where we pondered what would be a satisfying 'end' to Rob Fords term as mayor. At the time, I think the consensus was having him hauled out of City Hall by the police. What's happened here is the absolute, least satisfying end. It's a lose-lose situation.
SAL is going off on conspiracy theories but the doctor today showed Ford faked a cancer scare just a few years ago.
This really is awful for Rob. I wish him a full recovery.

So tomorrow (or perhaps a day or two from now) we'll see what DuhFo's approach will be in his mayoral race. He's bound to try to capitalize on this to some degree. That's what he does. And while I feel sympathy for Rob, I have no amount of patience left for either of the Ford Bros. Just because you think you can win the mayoralty race doesn't mean you have something to offer the position, Doug. And Rob. It's time to call it a day in your political careers.
Dale has a twitter link to an article quoting a Yale doctor saying that Ford has an estimated 50% chance of survival. I can't get it to open, or it's been pulled. Now he's posting further links to JPags' article. Wonder what's up.
Worms doesn't vet his "facts" properly for one, for two he's a PR rep. not a reporter or journalist.

At minimum, he showed poor journalistic judgment with his "lung scoop." If Rob is doped up on pain meds, I'll give him a pass for making a mistake. Warmington and the Sun's editors should have considered that in their decisions on what to report. It doesn't matter that Joe's a "columnist" (I'd use other words), he still has a duty to evaluate the information he receives. I hope his next column includes an apology.
Yeah, I might have to avoid local news for awhile. I can't stand this sort of thing even when it revolves around someone I like.

So Rob has cancer things look grim and he's getting chemotherapy and we'll see where the chips fall.

More critically, what will we learn in the next ITO?

The fact that Rob Ford has cancer does not change the fact the he's involved in criminal activities.
And likely other members of his family.
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Dale has a twitter link to an article quoting a Yale doctor saying that Ford has an estimated 50% chance of survival. I can't get it to open, or it's been pulled. Now he's posting further links to JPags' article. Wonder what's up.

Yeah he removed the quotes from the Yale doctor.
You are as clueless as SAL, if you don't know something then you should do some research. Stress can easily and negatively affect the immune system. Cancers are most likely the result of genetic predisposition and/or a compromised immune system. I suggest a start by looking up "auto-immune disease" and expanding your scope of knowledge.

I'm citing the doctor who, quite frankly, I find more credible than you.
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