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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Fact: Rob Ford is not a drinker.
Fact: Rob Ford has never done hard drugs in his life.
Fact: Rob Ford has never associated with criminals or gang members.
Fact: Doug Ford is the hardest-working councillor in city government.
Fact: An Ontario-wide conspiracy, including elements of the national media and two levels of government, exists to discredit the current mayor and subvert the democratic process.

What's to debate?

...............................sound of crickets......................................!

PS. very good

FACT: I am the Batman. Commissioner, take me into custody! hahahaha!
The 2 tier health care remark is classic Ford at work. Now he'll say he supports privatization and people paying their own way because the public system is too expensive, and then he'll also say that he supports a public system for the common folks. Depends on who asks and what answer is most convenient at the time.
The 2 tier health care remark is classic Ford at work. Now he'll say he supports privatization and people paying their own way because the public system is too expensive, and then he'll also say that he supports a public system for the common folks. Depends on who asks and what answer is most convenient at the time.

It is important to challenge these inconsistencies the moment one catches them - and our media is remarkably inept at doing that. Like simply asking him why on such and such a date you said this, and now the complete opposite.

I'm just livid that Blob thinks he can defer questions to his lawyer. This is the highest elected official in our city!
Why should anyone on this board have to deal with the nuisance of someone who actually uses "yeah but Wynne is best friends with a pedophile" as a point of contention? Why should anyone pretend that this should be taken seriously in the name of "both sides of the argument" or not having an "echo chamber"? Why should anyone have to "debate it out" when one side of the debate is absurd? Why should anyone feel obligated to let Peepers participate equally when this is what he brings to the table?
This is really a big part of it. Peepers, why don't you make a thread called "Premier Wynne's Ontario" to discuss these unrelated issues. Really, when you think about it, it'd be no different than this thread. It could be used to discuss a wide range of provincial issues (not just gas plants) and people for and against can post there.

Anyone on this board does not HAVE TO engage! If you think someone makes a dumbass comment/ statement, leave it for all to see.

agree with this, too. just scroll by the posts, don't see any need to "refute" them. ;)
The 2 tier health care remark is classic Ford at work. Now he'll say he supports privatization and people paying their own way because the public system is too expensive, and then he'll also say that he supports a public system for the common folks. Depends on who asks and what answer is most convenient at the time.

It's a bit like how he votes against spending on 'hug a thug' social programs because he runs a football program to keep kids out of trouble. Because hugging thugs is more (cost-)effective when left to private-sector philanthropy.
The longer I've been on message boards, the more this rings true.

Peepers, who complains about an echo chamber, is his own. He's the one who refuses to consider other arguments. Hell, he refuses to consider facts. So refuting his statements is more about the casual observer to this board who might see his Senior UT Member status as significant and believe some of the shite he peddles.

As for alternate viewpoints, there are many, many people on this board who have said they could never vote for Olivia Chow. I have not once felt the need to challenge this view, which differs from mine. Because I understand that the board does not seek to represent a singular viewpoint. Ridiculous statements that fly in the face of logic and facts, however, deserve to be corrected.
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