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Nuit Blanche 2015

It get's worse every year. Last time i went about four years ago, some of the art was destroyed by drunken hooligans. The Eaton Centre quit hosting exhibits because of all the vandalism.

If this event goes on next year, you're going to see cops in riot gear roaming the streets. It's a BS event. I wouldn't be sad if the city cancelled it.
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It's get's worse every year. Last time i went about four years ago, some of the art was destroyed by drunken hooligans. The Eaton Centre quit hosting exhibits because of all the vandalism.

If this event goes on next year, you're going to see cops in riot gear roaming the streets. It's a BS event. I wouldn't be sad if the city cancelled it.

Well, cancelling the event would be acknowledging that we can't have nice things. I much prefer stern enforcement of the law against drunkeness, vandalism and misbehaviour. A police record ought to do very nicely.

Nuit Blanche has been my favourite event of the year, but I've never thought that it needs to last forever. The jaded responses towards the event, even amongst people who should be its audience, are becoming stronger than the enthusiastic ones. Nothing wrong with saying it had a good 10 years and we'll look at dedicating the resources to something fresh. This year, because it was late and windy, it would be a bit of a walk and I was sensing my travelling companion wanted to get back home to his dogs, I never made it down to East Queens Quay, where perhaps the most interesting installations were. Otherwise, there were big expanses of Queens Park Circle or Bay St. that were closed to traffic but where nothing was happening. When I arrived places there were lineups for what were mostly small displays. The HTUOS/HTRON district was especially underwhelming. Too political, too small-scale. First installation we looked at was the one-way street that the artist decided would run in the opposite direction. Felt sorry for the volunteer who would need to explain that for the night. Maybe that one should have been a clue. I wish that this year I had made the decision to seek out the independent projects off the main area.
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I never understood why some people feel the need to get drunk at Nuit Blanche. I've been drunk a few times myself, but when I'm in the mood for that I go to a nightclub. Nuit Blanche should be about going out with friends and enjoying the art. What is so fun about wandering on the streets while intoxicated, puking on the subway and lying wasted on the sidewalk?
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I never understood why some people feel the need to get drunk at Nuit Blanche. I've been drunk a few times myself, but when I'm in the mood for that I go to a nightclub. Nuit Blanche should be about going out with friends and enjoying the art. What is so fun about wandering on the streets while intoxicated, puking on the subway and lying wasted on the sidewalk?
I guess the rationale is that being high or drunk makes the experience much more vivid; I guess it would.

Did anyone see the news clip on CTV of some scumbag pulling down metal panels from one of the subway ceilings? Sometimes I think the only way to knock some sense into inconsiderate fools like this is some old fashioned corporal punishment.
I never understood why some people feel the need to get drunk at Nuit Blanche. I've been drunk a few times myself, but when I'm in the mood for that I go to a nightclub. Nuit Blanche should be about going out with friends and enjoying the art. What is so fun about wandering on the streets while intoxicated, puking on the subway and lying wasted on the sidewalk?

It happens during club a lot of drunk people coming home from clubs pass by there...or pre-drink...go to nuit blanche...then hit the club/bars.

I haven't been in years so I have no idea how bad it has gotten but one thing that stopped me from going with my girlfriend is the amount of drunk idiots I expected to see. Guess I was right.
Once again, a case of a few bad apples ruining it for everyone.

I remember going when Nuit Blanche was in its infancy stage. It was definitely about the art. Nowadays, it's about a bunch of people who have no interest in art but figure since there are tons of people all over the streets, it'd be fun to roam around with the crowds and have a street party. Guys getting wasted, looking to pick up girls. Random people just wanting to be part of the scene. People with no other real plans just joining in for fun.

That's not to say it doesn't draw in crowds. It definitely does. But I'm not so sure that it needs to be this massive excuse of a night to get everyone roaming downtown in the wee hours of the morning. Soon enough, save our souls if Nuit Blanche evolves into something out of the movie "The Purge". :eek:

Ok ok, I'm exaggerating just a little here, but I digress.
