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Hillary Clinton: "I'm in"



Hillary Clinton: "I'm in"

She's announced that she's running! :D

By 2008, the US will need to begin mending its international reputation and relationships. I don't think there's anything better than a woman to move for reconciliation with the world.

This is gonna be a fun race to watch.
It's been said before, but just imagine Bill Clinton as the first "First Husband". I bet he'll score with every maid in the White House before the end of the first year.
I'd be much more curious to see what someone of mixed Black Muslim-White Christian background has to offer. I don't know much about Obama but Hillary is as much a phony as her husband.
It's been said before, but just imagine Bill Clinton as the first "First Husband". I bet he'll score with every maid in the White House before the end of the first year.
Well, it would be more fun still with Belinda Stronach as PM. He'd practically be king consort for everything N of the Rio Grande...
As of now she'd have to be considered the frontrunner, but a lot can happen. She will now come under some pretty intensive scrutiny, and I tend to agree with the previous comment that she comes across as somewhat of a phony.

I predict that she won't be the Democratic nominee when all is said and done. Obama and Edwards are both credible alternatives, and who knows who else may come forward over the next few months.
Phony or no phony, the US was at its best with Clinton at the helm. I don't see why it won't be any different with the same duo in the Whitehouse, albeit with changed roles.

Edwards and Obama are both great candidates. However, as much as it pains me to say, he's the new Al Sharpton: the token black dude. If you've visited the US, you know they're far from getting over looking at African Americans as inferior. Edwards? He's got a good shot, but doesn't have the cachet and power behind him that Hillary does.

I say Hillary gets the nomination and runs with Edwards as her VP.
Then there's Bill Richardson, the Hispanic governor of New Mexico.

So, a woman, a half-Black, and a Hispanic all have a decent shot. First time some sort of real representation of the population for the Prez race.

Interesting stuff.
At this point, given the buzz so far, among Clinton/Obama/Edwards, it'd be more Edwards as a token white dude than Obama as a token black dude...
I don't like the idea of more Clintons in the whitehouse. This is supposed to be a democracy, and we've only had 2 families running the show since the late 80s. Smells of royalty/aristocracy too much for my taste.

Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush. Clinton? Come on, there are 300 million Americans. Surely we can tap into that and diversify the surnames a bit. This is getting ridiculous.
I'd vote for Teddy if only he'd run. And if I were eligible to vote there.

Oh yeah, we can't. He's already in, and term-limited besides
If the Republicans pull some divine miracle to become popular enough, we may end up with another Bush in the White House.

A fairly likely scenerio: Debate 2008: Clinton vs. Bush
