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Conservative Immigration Policy


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Jul 31, 2008
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Although, there are planks in the Conservative platform I disagree with, immigration is an issue that I think they've made some headway on. Anybody who has family in other parts of the world knows there a war on for talented migrants and Canada is loosing badly. World has gotten out that it takes years to get immigration and when you move here Canada uses formerly middle class immigrants to bolster its working class workforce.

I guess one's view on the efficacy of the changes made by the Conservatives depends on where one stands. I know for example, that in India, there is opposition in the Punjabi community, which often relies on family class migration to come to Canada. Conversely, professional class migrants from India love the changes. My mom had a cousin who landed in Toronto 6 months from the date he applied. An experience financial analyst working in Mumbai, he was fast tracked and pushed through quickly.

I am particularly in favour of the new policy of granting foreign students permanent residency after graduation. I have never understood why we would send back students have resided in Canada for years and have been educated here. I also like the new policies that allow potential migrants to seek professional certification before migrating. That helps counter the 'sell the moon' efforts of immigration staff in the embassies. It injects some realism into the migration process.

The backlog, of course, remains an issue. And one I hopes get tackled. But previous policies of 'first come first serve' made no sense. All it did was discourage qualified migrants. Several extended family members of mine have chosen to migrate to Australia or the UK simply because they thought it was ridiculous to wait years for immigration. These were qualified professionals who could have done well in Canada. So I think its fair to at least fast-track some while chipping away at the backlog. Besides which if anybody looks at the socio-economic stats of immigrants, its always the family class migrants that fair the worst. I'd rather we favour the skilled migrants who would fair better in Canada than bring over more folks who end up working in restaurants, or cleaning buildings after hours, or driving taxis.

For my perspective, the only significant issue that remains is working with the provinces to better integrate foreign trained professionals. This is probably the biggest gripe any immigrant has and one that none of our political parties have sought to seriously address.
Great Idea! I still can't get why anyone opposes this idea.
Because it's being proposed by a party founded by white right-wing bigots, whose previous immigration proposals were trying to shroud racist beliefs in seemingly sensible policies.

Perhaps this is a good idea ... but I'd be worried about the other shoe dropping; is there text for this proposed change yet?
Because it's being proposed by a party founded by white right-wing bigots, whose previous immigration proposals were trying to shroud racist beliefs in seemingly sensible policies.

Perhaps this is a good idea ... but I'd be worried about the other shoe dropping; is there text for this proposed change yet?

Yes. The whole hidden agenda theme. But why not give them credit where it's due? How come the Conservatives get no credit for fast tracking professionals and giving permanent residency for students, but the moment they propose a marginal tightening of the citizenship (not immigration) standards, everyone is up in arms saying that they are closet bigots?

I take the minister at his word when he says there is cross-party consensus on the need for immigration. This country could never survive without it. And I firmly believe that even the Reform era neanderthals understand that at some level.

As to the matter at hand, I don't think it's going to be anything nefarious. From what I've read there's going to be no language test. They are simply going to stop offering the citizenship test in non-official languages. If you can pass the test in English or French you are deemed to have a sufficient working knowledge to gain citizenship. It should be noted that a working knowledge of English or French is already a requirement for citizenship. It's just not enforced right now.

Were they to add a language test, I can't see it being worse than the immigration TOEFL requirements for example. I can't see how that standard would be really difficult to achieve. The TOEFL bar for migration is pretty low.
Because it's being proposed by a party founded by white right-wing bigots, whose previous immigration proposals were trying to shroud racist beliefs in seemingly sensible policies.

Perhaps this is a good idea ... but I'd be worried about the other shoe dropping; is there text for this proposed change yet?

So are you supporting the people you identify as white right-wing racist bigots? Does that make you one of them, or is your conclusion a product of your own bigoted point of view?

Since your going to cast this accusatory stuff around so casually, it'd be nice to know if you can show it to be so of every member of that party.
..But why not give them credit where it's due? How come the Conservatives get no credit for fast tracking professionals....

they seem to be fast tracking our current professionals to the US. (see science funding cuts)

the fast tracking brings up other questions though, why do we need to import professionals? can we not produce them domestically? if there is such a need of foreign professionals it is indicative of something going horribly wrong in our education system.

traditionally, the role of immigrants was to do the work that nobody else wanted to do. it seems that today their role is to do the work others are not capable of doing. maybe it's time to fast track some capable foreign political leaders to do the job that conservatives keep messing up. :p
I have said it a million times before, famous people in general are an export of canada. You know they're successfull when they move to the US.
But why not give them credit where it's due?
I have in the past - I'm not speaking for or against this, simply pointing out why some will speak out against. I don't see any need to speak one way or another on the issue until the text of the Conservative regulations appear.

everyone is up in arms saying that they are closet bigots?
I'm not saying they are closet bigots. I'm saying that some of them ARE bigots. This has been proven time and time again, with some of the anti-gay comments that have been made. I don't think we need to debate that here, it's a simple fact.

So are you supporting the people you identify as white right-wing racist bigots?
No, I've never supported them. Why do you say that?

Does that make you one of them, or is your conclusion a product of your own bigoted point of view?

Since your going to cast this accusatory stuff around so casually, it'd be nice to know if you can show it to be so of every member of that party.
???? How does this even relate in the slightest to the comment I made???
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I have said it a million times before, famous people in general are an export of canada. You know they're successfull when they move to the US.

A sad truth about Canada. This has also given rise Canada being used as a backdoor to the US. I know a number of folks who migrated to Canada, stayed here 3 years, got citizenship and moved to the US. That's why I'd like to see Canada increase the citizenship residency requirement to something like 5 years.
I'm not saying they are closet bigots. I'm saying that some of them ARE bigots.

"Some of them". But bigotry knows no affiliation. Ern(e)st Zundel ran for the Liberal leadership in 1968. David Ahenakew had been (IIRC) a NDP supporter...
No, I've never supported them. Why do you say that?

Because you suggest that "perhaps this is a good idea."

Sounds like you're agreeing with people who you uniformly deem as being bigoted racists (and whom you define exclusively by skin colour).

It gets perplexing for you when it moves from the one-dimensional name-calling and slurs.

???? How does this even relate in the slightest to the comment I made???

Because you suggest that "perhaps this is a good idea."

I know people who belong to the Conservative party. They have their political points of view that differ from mine, but these individuals are not racists, as you appear to accuse all Conservatives as being.

Your problem is typical with those who toss around such accusations(and its something you share with actual racists): it is the incapacity to differentiate individual human beings from your prejudices of them.

If you so believe in a "hidden agenda," then why is it supposedly known by people like you? Why don't you just spell it all out here and measure it against the reality of the situation at hand?
Because you suggest that "perhaps this is a good idea."
First of all, saying "perhaps it is a good idea" also implies "perhaps it isn't a good idea". I'm simply trying not to judge a plan until I've seen the details. Secondly, if a bigot stops and holds the door open to you, I'm not going to say they shouldn't do it.

Sounds like you're agreeing with people who you uniformly deem as being bigoted racists (and whom you define exclusively by skin colour).
A) I don't uniformly deem them. B) I never said anything about racism. Where do you get his? And I don't define them exclusively by skin colour.

I know people who belong to the Conservative party. They have their political points of view that differ from mine, but these individuals are not racists, as you appear to accuse all Conservatives as being.
I haven't said anything about racism. What is your problem?
To be fair, the 'hidden agenda' is the agenda that the Conservatives have, and talk about in 'private', but don't mention in their messaging. Compare the sort of messages that the CPC sends to donors to what it says 'in public'.
These immigration changes are a positive step, especially the move from family class to skilled class. However, I do agree that one of the largest stumbling blocks still remains: the recognition and acceptance of foreign credentials and work experience. Although this is being addressed in small ways with some programs such Ontario's Provincial Nominee program under the COIA, this involves only with a few targeted professions and ignores the reality that many immigrants don't get the jobs they have expected to get and are qualified to do in their own countries.

It's up to the feds to hammer out some agreements with foreign nations and, where possible, have some kind of credential equivalency program. Colleges, universities, trade organizations and certifying bodies need to come on board too, whether in expensive upgrade courses or just recognition. Perhaps the government doesn't want to open a can of worms because it also means more direct competition with Canadian-born or educated workers. But if that's the case then the government has to give more highly educated immigrants a realistic expectation of how far their experience and credentials might or might not go in this country. There seem to be a lot of broken dreams out there.
nfitz, you claim that:

A) I don't uniformly deem them. B) I never said anything about racism. Where do you get his? And I don't define them exclusively by skin colour.

But let's look at what you posted:

Because it's being proposed by a party founded by white right-wing bigots, whose previous immigration proposals were trying to shroud racist beliefs in seemingly sensible policies.

You made no differentiations. You wrote of racism and bigotry, and identified by skin colour. Your statements point to your belief that all Conservative party members are racist bigots.

First of all, saying "perhaps it is a good idea" also implies "perhaps it isn't a good idea".

No, it suggests that you think it's a good idea. Period. Now you're just running and hiding.

I haven't said anything about racism. What is your problem?

Yes you have:

Because it's being proposed by a party founded by white right-wing bigots, whose previous immigration proposals were trying to shroud racist beliefs in seemingly sensible policies.

It isn't my problem, it's your problem - the one where you slander an entire political party because you disagree with their politics.

Maybe you should consider things more carefully before you type them.
