Developer: Urban Capital Property Group, Malibu Investments, ALIT Developments
Architect: Wallman Architects
Address: 117 Peter St., Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2014
Height: 407 ft / 124.05 mStoreys: 36 storeys
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Toronto Tableau Condominiums | 124.05m | 36s | Urban Capital | Wallman Architects

I'm not a fan of the mechanical penthouse on this building. It lacks architectural detail and looks like a utilitarian afterthought.

I like its authentic utilitarian look. I think it suits the tower. I'm not a big fan of wrap around balconies with integrated full floor penthouses which stems from my dislike of top heavy designs.
Perhaps a more interesting public art piece could use those tubes as wire markers/guards for a massive wooden hydro pole?


When I was a kid, whenever I saw these they always reminded me of McDonald's french fries.
I walked by the site today. There appeared to be a number of dents and scratches on the poles. Hopefully they will be addressed before final installation.
The art piece will probably be the highlight of this project given its scale. I can't wait to see this, its going to make this corner so interesting.
Morris Adjmi Architects designed that? Do they employ an associate architect named Wallman who actually does the work?

Wow, even the floorplate looks to have a similar shape. Flattery indeed! Happens all the time in architecture, but this time it's particularly uncanny.
