Developer: Urbacon, BRL Realty (Bresler)
Architect: RAW Design
Address: 333 College Street, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 128 ft / 39.01 mStoreys: 11 storeys
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Toronto 333 College Street | 39.01m | 11s | Urbacon | RAW Design

Other problems aside, I wish they would use red brick (or any colour brick, for that matter) to reflect the materiality of the surrounding neighbourhood. Too much to ask?
Red brick perhaps originally, but much of Kensington today is a hodge podge of cinderblock, glass, tin siding, EIFS, precast and all sorts of colours.

The Market does need more rentals. In fact all those parking lots must go midrise--6wood ideally, with retail extending the market via lanes west towards Bathurst.

There's no need to knock down old buildings here.
So dreary, so ready to be redeveloped:




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The thread name has been altered to remove a reference to Augusta Avenue. That property has been removed as part of the application, and the six storey building which was proposed for the south end has been deleted, replaced with plans for 5 townhomes on the lane.

A public consultation is coming up on Thursday the 25th, the details are here.

Did anyone attend the consultation or knows where I can find a summary?
Our latest write-up:
Over two years since a proposal for the site at 333 College Street was submitted to the City of Toronto, the BRL Realty project has undergone a redesign. In the past week, the applicants have filed a resubmission with City Planning, bringing to light a scaled-down iteration of a proposal that first came to light in late 2014 (seen below).
