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2007 Ontario Election: Mississauga "Town Hall Meeting"

The Mississauga Muse meets John Tory and asks her #1 Question

Yeah. Like this evening as John Tory kicked off the Tim Peterson campaign.


I figured if The Corporation of the City of Mississauga won't allow me into their "Town Hall" Meeting, I'll create my own with each leader separately.

So I went up and asked John Tory the only issue in this election for me.

Having sat in on Bill 130, I knew wh... never mind.

Just posted to YouTube --for TO Forum.

John Tory answers my question.

Ummm... he DID choke on the word "Municipalities" though..

The Mississauga Muse meets JOHN TORY YouTubed --on allowing The Ontario Ombudsman into the MUSH sector.
The Tim Peterson signage is ugly. Is the red inverted trillium that looks similar to the one in the "i" in Liberal there to remind people he ran last as a Liberal?

Choke on "municipalities"? He sounded like he was about to start a Porky Pig impression there.
The Tim Peterson signage is ugly. Is the red inverted trillium that looks similar to the one in the "i" in Liberal there to remind people he ran last as a Liberal?

Choke on "municipalities"? He sounded like he was about to start a Porky Pig impression there.

CRIPES, "Porky Pig" --I just finished answering email via my YouTube account. Here's what I wrote to a fellow-Municipal-traveller.

"I went to the John Tory kickoff. I've decided to follow all the leaders around. I'm gonna ask them questions.

Yesterday I got up to John Tory and asked him if he'd let The Ontario Ombudsman into the MUSH sector. Check out the video.

He did a song and dance. When I asked him specifically about Municipalities he sounded just like be-deh be-deh Porky Pig.

Tory knows how badly investigations are needed into municipalities.

He knows."

The thing is SeanTrans. That "be-deh be-deh Porky Pig" response to my asking "and Municipalities?" means "NO".

Think about it SeanTrans.

I asked John Tory if he'd give The Ontario Ombudsman investigative powers into Municipalities right there in Hazel McCallion's Mississauga!

That's like me asking John Tory, Hey, you gonna let The Ontario Ombudsman investigate Hazel McCallion?

"be-deh be-deh be-deh be-deh be-deh be-deh"

I should point out I've been a liberal like forever. Me targeting John Tory first came about because of Tim Peterson.

As a liberal he lent his hand to passing Bill 130 which gave municipalities even more power as the Liberals cut their accountability (extended elections to four years).

Had Peterson stayed Liberal, I'd have still wanted that dude out. I saw his work those three December evenings. It was NOT possible for him to care any less about the consequences.

My husband said it the best. It's not about voting for a party. But the person who cares most about helping citizens. You can have a more liberal conservative for example.

The first person who comes to mind if Ernie Hardeman who did his best to soften the negative effects of Bill 130. He couldn't of course. Always outvoted by Peterson and the other "liberals".

And there's this dude named Brad Duguid -a Liberal MPP? No way. He's a conservative who figured he had a better chance RUNNING as a Liberal.

Nothing can convince me otherwise after watching him for three evenings.

Anyone readin' this far down? "be-deh be-deh" is TorySpeak for "Where the $%&@ did THAT question come from?!!!"

As Missy is in the 905 (vote-rich territory), and since there is a strong antipathy towards Toronto, I doubt any provincial politician would want to investigate any city other than Toronto.

Apparently, in this election, anti-Toronto sentiments are running high (what else is new), so don't expect anyone to be howling against the wrongs of Mississauga or any other jurisdiction in the 905. Do expect to hear about how Toronto, and all its gold-plated services, are being received by us ungrateful, spoiled city-dwellers who are clueless as to how tough it is out in the heartland.

If the Conservatives are elected, I would not be surprised to see Marin disappear for whatever reasons.

Hmm, does this sound cynical? ;)

As Missy is in the 905 (vote-rich territory), and since there is a strong antipathy towards Toronto, I doubt any provincial politician would want to investigate any city other than Toronto.

I can't understand how people can actually be GLEEFUL of Toronto's problems (and I'm talking Mississauga city councillors here)

Apparently, in this election, anti-Toronto sentiments are running high (what else is new), so don't expect anyone to be howling against the wrongs of Mississauga or any other jurisdiction in the 905. Do expect to hear about how Toronto, and all its gold-plated services, are being received by us ungrateful, spoiled city-dwellers who are clueless as to how tough it is out in the heartland.

Perhaps, but I've been checking the papers and the press is neatly avoiding the real issue. Ontarians pay some of the highest taxes on the planet and get underperformance and "puffery" in return.

If the Conservatives are elected, I would not be surprised to see Marin disappear for whatever reasons.

I've known all along that there's something worse than Ontario citizens not having an Ombudsman to look into the MUSH sector.

And that is giving The Ombudsman that power and then hiring a boob-hack-fraud. If I were the Progressive Conservatives and I got in power?

That'd certainly be my tack.

I'm not fool. I know that any Ombudsman is only as good as his sense of moral responsibility to citizens.

Hmm, does this sound cynical? ;)

There was another thread quite a while ago now about accountability. I remember the person saying that to create an accountability bureau to hold municipalities accountable is a waste of money.

You can't hold people accountable who don't want to be held accountable. They have 80-kabillion ways to duck.

And they do.

I've looked around and concluded there's no use for me to vote in this election. I'm going and EAT my ballot!

And wash it down with a Cherry Coke.

First though I got to check if that's illegal. (I still need to get into the States and back for a while longer. After that I won't care if I'm arrested.)

And yes, EAT my ballot. Video it. Post it to YouTube.

Or maybe if I wash it down with coffee, I can have the clip double as a Tim Horton's commercial.
Nancy Astor ( to Winston Churchill ): "Winston, if I were your wife I'd put poison in your coffee."

Winston Churchill ( to Nancy Astor ): "Nancy, if I were your husband I'd drink it."
Nancy Astor ( to Winston Churchill ): "Winston, if I were your wife I'd put poison in your coffee."

Winston Churchill ( to Nancy Astor ): "Nancy, if I were your husband I'd drink it."

Umm but umm Winston Churchill never married. And neither did J. Edgar Hoover.

And wasn't Nancy Astor a Titanic survivor? And like -- I can understand how she'd get poison but coffee'd be pretty hard to come by during World War II even for the much-rich.
Muse: Ouch!! Your research skills have failed you. Winston Churchill was married to Clementine (yes that's how they used to name girls in Olde Englande, even worse than being named after a flower). They were married for 56 years and had five children.
J. Edgar Hoover couldn't get married because it's still not allowed in the United States.
Muse: Ouch!! Your research skills have failed you. Winston Churchill was married to Clementine (yes that's how they used to name girls in Olde Englande, even worse than being named after a flower). They were married for 56 years and had five children.

Actually it wasn't research skills but just lying on the couch while my husband was watching some very late night documentary and you know how you weave in and out of sleep and then you get nudged because you're snoring and--

So in this twilight of semi-consciousness I was sure that Sir Winston had a life-long buddy?... companion.

Then again, maybe it was a J. Edgar documentary.

There IS one thing I really do remember being told about Churchill. Not sure if it's true.

They managed to have this ENIAC? computer --like the very first. And it managed to break the Nazi code.

Then ENIAC alerted them about some huge Nazi bombing run. People could've been warned. But they weren't. Because if the government did, the Nazis would know their code had been cracked.

Something like that.

Makes me over here wonder at what time do you have enough data/results that it's time to go public. And you know that every day you delay, you know you leave people open to harm because they don't know.

Anyway. Thanks for the clarification, Observer.
Muse, I don't think ENIAC was used to break Nazi codes. It was used to calculate accurate artillery tables.

I think you are thinking of ENIGMA, which was used to decrypt Nazi communications.
Muse, I don't think ENIAC was used to break Nazi codes. It was used to calculate accurate artillery tables.

I think you are thinking of ENIGMA, which was used to decrypt Nazi communications.

Great just great, that's TWO things I'm wrong about in less than 24 hours. And I can blame age on only one of those things.

Laziness is this one...

Thanks Hydrogen for pointing that out.

ENIGMA. Isn't that also what they give you in hospitals to flush you out? :D
