Address: 501 Yonge St., Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2022
Height: 561 ft / 170.98 mStoreys: 52 storeys
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Toronto TeaHouse 501 Yonge Condominiums | 170.98m | 52s | Lanterra | a—A

I'm guessing that's the whole lot from Alexander to Maitland?

I could see a pair of point towers here, something Murano sized.
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Wonderful News! :D

This block has been one of the most obvious in the core for redevelopment for years, being arguably 2 storeys, at most; architecturally blah, at best, and a fairly large tract of land, for a downtown site.

The subway surely complicates the design a bit; but there are other building directly over the subway, with enough density, it all becomes manageable to engineer a solution.

The key now, as always, is to get architecture worthy of the site and the city.

On the upside (fingers crossed) they couldn't do much worse than what's there.

I'd be happy with any reasonable height, its really the way the building addresses Yonge, and maintaining (creating) viable retail that will interest me the most.

Given the site's nature; and how close it is to both College and Wellesley Stns. this would be a logical site for another parking-free proposal.


Now to get developers east of the Don, where I want to see that large wasteland n/e of Danforth and Coxwell redeveloped. (Shopper's Drug, Green P, and a 1-storey plaza)
.87 acres = about 38,000 square feet

At 20 times coverage for condos, thats about 760,000 sq ft

If the floor plates are around 9,000 sq ft, thats about 84 floors

While im sure it wouldn't be 84 floors, the possibilities are very interesting.

(more liklely to be two towers)
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From a messy urbanism point of view that block seems to work reasonably well. I hope whatever replaces it does a better job of street integration than the Courtyard. Hopefully at least 7 or 8 retail units, with patios facing Maitland and Alexander, and a couple floors of office/studio space up above. If they provide that I wouldn't mind if they did throw a couple of large point towers up top.

Edit: And I've noticed something interesting, with One Bloor and 5ive at least. When the existing retail storefronts are lost most of the worthwhile businesses seem to just sort of migrate across the street, or move a block or two away, displacing junkier stores. The net loss of the developments so far seems to be the elimination of some of the dollar stores and lousy restaurants that no one visited anyway. Looking at that block I'd only really miss the CKT Sports, Papaya Hut, Koryo Sushi, and Pi-Tom's.
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.87 acres = about 38,000 square feet

At 20 times coverage for condos, thats about 760,000 sq ft

If the floor plates are around 9,000 sq ft, thats about 84 floors

While im sure it wouldn't be 84 floors, the possibilities are very interesting.

(more liklely to be two towers)

Yeah, i would be nice to see mixed use for this location office/residential....18-22 storey office structure, 55-65 storey condo tower atop a 3-4 storey retail poidium.:)
From a messy urbanism point of view that block seems to work reasonably well. I hope whatever replaces it does a better job of street integration than the Courtyard. Hopefully at least 7 or 8 retail units, with patios facing Maitland and Alexander, and a couple floors of office/studio space up above. If they provide that I wouldn't mind if they did throw a couple of large point towers up top.

I agree very much. The key here will be to maintain the rhythm of the street with 8-10 small stores at the base that hit the sidewalk like these ones do.
Oh THANNNNKKKK GOD!!!! I HATE this crappy stretch! I hate that hooka/shawarma scham shop, but I ESPECIALLY hate that guy that hollars at everyone from outside his shop "Hey Buddy Deals for You!" Ughghghgh.

Best news this week!!!
