Developer: North Drive Investments Inc
Architect: Richard Wengle Architect
Address: 10 Prince Arthur Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 90 ft / 27.55 mStoreys: 7 storeys
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Toronto 10 Prince Arthur | 27.55m | 7s | North Drive | Richard Wengle

We should totally have someone such as yourself, who knows what these timelines are make a topic that details how things work in city hall in regards to the proposal and development process.
but that's a reno and not asking to place a 9s tower on the lot and move the original structure for the sole purpose.
Small update:

  • OMB Pre-hearing was scheduled on July 15.
  • The board has not seat a hearing date due to the strike but has set additional pre-hearing dates on July 24 and September 23.
Here's an update form the opposition:

Subject: Important Notice from the ARA

Dear ARA Member,

Your Annex Residents’ Association (under the Annex Residents’ Corporation banner, which has standing at the OMB) is a “party†in a hearing before the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB case no. MM090008) in relation to the development and construction of a proposed mixed-use residential commercial high rise building at 10-14 Prince Arthur Avenue, which does not conform to the guidelines of the East Annex Conservation District,

We feel that this proposal potentially threatens the future protection of buildings and structures in the Annex and throughout Toronto.

To represent our views effectively, it is necessary to engage professional consultants who have the expertise to navigate through the legal documents which form the basis of this hearing, and this is expensive.

We are asking that you consider making a donation of $50, $100, $200, or $500 or more to help us with this initiative. Whatever you can contribute will be very helpful!

We have joined together with the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario in this initiative, which amongst other things, enables the issuance of a tax receipt for your donation.
Toronto, Metro Toronto Reg ON PREPARING PLANS
Prince Arthur, 10 Prince Arthur Ave, M5R 1A9
$20,000,000 est
Note: Owner is seeking Municipal Council rezoning and Official Plan Amendment approvals. An Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing was held Fall, 2009. The scope of work may change based on the outcome of the OMB process. Arch anticipates OMB approvals were be in place early 2011. Sales and marketing are expected to begin Summer, 2011. Schedules for Working drawings, tender for Sub trades and construction are undetermined pending approvals and marketing. Further update late Spring, 2011.
Project: proposed restoration of a historic single family residence and construction of a nine storey mixed use building. The restored historic building will be incorporated into the new building and used as amenity space. The project will also include construction of six townhouse units on the site.
Scope: 9 storeys; 2 storeys below grade; 2 structures
Development: New
Category: Apartment bldgs; Retail, wholesale services
First report Thu Mar 11, 2010. Last report Wed Apr 21, 2010.
This report Fri Oct 22, 2010.

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Small update:

On Nov 3 the OMB informed that mediation between the parties had been successful with a number of some details still needing to be worked out at some point in the future. A settlement hearing by the parties has been requested and that hearing is scheduled for December 6th.

  • OMB was informed a settlement had been reached between the city and the owners;
  • Agreement was reached to reduce the proposed building by two storeys;
  • The resulting structure is planning to include a 2s & 3s base, stepped back upper storeys to a height of 7s and a maximum of 29 residential units.
  • The settlement also incorporates requirements that the exterior of the heritage building at 10 Prince Arthur Avenue be retained & the owners enter into a heritage easement agreement;
Dec 5
10 Prince Arthur lands are up for sale and not sure if it effect 14 at all.
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This neighbourhood behind the Hyatt could be so much more...
