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Is Toronto Doomed?


Senior Member
Member Bio
Feb 13, 2008
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So, basically I am starting this to placate Dichotomy. It makes no sense to have every thread on any subject be hijacked by a discussion about whether or not Toronto is doomed. It's a valid debate, but lets not get things mixed up. The debate between whether or not Toronto is up the creek and whether Transit City is a good idea are separate. Not unrelated, but definitely distinct.

Before things (hopefully) get started, I would like to try to set up a few caveats to prevent this from turning into a pissing match. Do not use the terms: world class, center of the universe, Jane Jacobs, parking lot, Detroit or Orwellian. Generally try to avoid using anecdotal experiences (I was in Geneva...) as anything more than a segue to a more meaningful argument. Avoid blatant digs along the left/right, 416/905, "Miller is an idiot" line. Try to avoid confusing national and global issues with Toronto specific ones (i.e. The western world is in a recession, not just Toronto). Aside from that, try to avoid stating opinion ("suburbs suck") without a more factual argument to back it up.

For my part, I think Toronto has issues. I also think every jurisdiction has "issues". We aren't somehow unique in any of our issues. We also have a good deal going for us, low crime, low cost of living, high quality of life and so forth. Toronto's main problems stem from a kind of identity crisis. We don't quite know what we are, or where we are trying to get. Our "weak" mayor is a great example. Despite having the most electors in Canada, he has no real powers (and hence, no real responsibility). We should have had a comprehensive transit policy years ago. Ditto for urban planning, fiscal & economic policy, social policy and tourism. All of these should be unquestionably and directly under the responsibility of the Mayor, not City Council, the Province or Canada. There should be zero question.
blah blah blah ...

this is silly ... this won't prevent any of these rants in the other threads so why bother doing it here as well.

Sorry, no offense to you.
In answer to the question: next glacial period looks bad for Toronto - unless you want to move (slowly) to Pennsylvania.
In answer to the question: next glacial period looks bad for Toronto - unless you want to move (slowly) to Pennsylvania.
you can also do some good shopping there aparently.
Ha, this thread is so going nowhere. The only one who will take it seriously other than Dichotomy is Glen.
blah blah blah ...

this is silly ... this won't prevent any of these rants in the other threads so why bother doing it here as well.

Sorry, no offense to you.

Or mods could move those posts in those threads that do go off topic to this thread :)
Could be like our very own off topic (read: junk) thread.
Before things (hopefully) get started, I would like to try to set up a few caveats to prevent this from turning into a pissing match. Do not use the terms: world class, center of the universe, Jane Jacobs, parking lot, Detroit or Orwellian. Generally try to avoid using anecdotal experiences (I was in Geneva...) as anything more than a segway to a more meaningful argument. Avoid blatant digs along the left/right, 416/905, "Miller is an idiot" line. Try to avoid confusing national and global issues with Toronto specific ones (i.e. The western world is in a recession, not just Toronto). Aside from that, try to avoid stating opinion ("suburbs suck") without a more factual argument to back it up.

Nice rules, which nobody will follow. To the "do not use" terms, it would also be good to ban the comparing of people/entities you dislike to any of the following:

1) Hitler
2) Nazis
3) Fascists
4) Socialists
5) Communists
6) Terrorists
7) Sponge Bob Square Pants
As far as I know, very little of Toronto is doomed.

Given our occasionally harsh winters, it might be a good idea to doom even more of the city.





We'll know that we're doomed, for sure, when everyone thinks a segue is a "segway" that you can ride to a more meaningful argument.
"our occasionally harsh winters"

Please stop embarassing Torontonians in front of the rest of Canada.

We can get 2-3 feet of snow and it is still not a harsh winter in comparison to the rest of the country. It's called "Winter in Canada", something Toronto somehow gets very little of (while Buffalo get's the dumps).
