Mike in TO
Senior Member
Please keep adding more photos!

I know Toronto was the city that worked back then... but my God is it ever depressing-looking.
I much prefer the Toronto of today, it just shows how far we've come in 2 short decades.
It's rather sad to look at these pictures and realize that, since Revell's New City Hall, Mies's TD Centre, and Pei's Commerce Court went up some 40 years ago, Toronto hasn't built any government or office buildings of internationally recognised architectural significance in the downtown core and business district. The creative promise that those buildings represented has been largely dissipated.
It's rather sad to look at these pictures and realize that, since Revell's New City Hall, Mies's TD Centre, and Pei's Commerce Court went up some 40 years ago, Toronto hasn't built any government or office buildings of internationally recognised architectural significance in the downtown core and business district. The creative promise that those buildings represented has been largely dissipated.
It's rather sad to look at these pictures and realize that, since Revell's New City Hall, Mies's TD Centre, and Pei's Commerce Court went up some 40 years ago, Toronto hasn't built any government or office buildings of internationally recognised architectural significance in the downtown core and business district. The creative promise that those buildings represented has been largely dissipated.
Every boom has given Toronto landmark office developments downtown.. Except this one, but it's a given, we will have to wait for the next round (not many companies left who would take a 2 million sqf tower anyway...)