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Should Canada keep the Monarchy?

Should Canada keep the Monarchy?

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Turf 'em

I've heard all the excuses, and none of them have won my heart over to the monarchist camp.

1. "It's our heritage" - no, it's British heritage

2. "It's what distinguishes us from Americans" - no, if that's what you think really separates us from them, then you have a piss-poor idea of what a Canadian really is. Besides, if we insist on distinguishing ourselves from Americans based on meaningless trivialities, we might as well do something totally useful, like converting entirely to the metric system, etc.

3. "Keeping them saves a few bucks. The Queen is free" This is the worst one. This is the part of the Canadian psyche I don't like: when we think of money before substance. The price tag doesn't matter, what matters is the ability to unleash ourselves from years of cultural servitude. Even if you think it's benign and harmless, I have to stare at the Queen's mug everyday on my twenty dollar bills and coins reminding myself that we are still not entirely masters of our own house.

Sorry, but I have very strong views about this issue.
I don't mind the queen. She makes no decisions for us. She is a figurehead. She represents the ultimate origin of this country. The CEO of McDonald's doesn't need to get rid of Ronald McDonald the clown in order to be "entirely master of his own house". If we did get rid of the queen, hopefully we would not feel a need to replace her with a president and complicate the political process.
I'm not British. In fact, I'm Acadian - so I have every reason to HATE the British monarchy (look up 1755 in a Canadian history book, if you don't know what I am talking about).

All of that aside, however, I feel compelled to admit that the Crown is an undeniable force in Canadian history. In fact, we are a very British country. Even the province of Quebec is shaped by British inclinations and tendencies in administration, in government, and in justice. Everywhere you look beyond the superficial deviations and pecularities of our systems and of our institutions, you see the faint smudge of the British Crown's fingerprint. To abandon the Crown is to abandon a historic connection which helped to nurture this country, to preserve its independence, and to promote its growth and prosperity.

Never mind the fact that we are amongst the few countries in the world which can claim that we lack an executive which runs a muck in private affairs and in public administration. Our legislative branch could benefit from a few strategic reforms, but our executive functions efficiently and effectively. The Governor General and the lieutenant-governors perform ceremonial roles with all competence and pomp necessary.

So, tell me, what are we to gain from conversion to a republican system, besides a lot of mess for very little benefit? I once was a republican myself, but it simply does not make sense to abandon our British heritage - correction, our heritage of common affiliation with the British Crown, which helped guide this country and which continues to help shape this country (by its tolerate and its reserved distance from political issues and from moral conundrums). We don't have a head of state out there calling countries part of an axis of evil. We have a head of state that's more of a celebrity figure, and which is a model of reservation and of duty.

That being said, vive l'acadie libre!
I like the metric system. It's simple. Seems everyone but the US agrees. Feel free to use whatever archaic units make you happy.

Duh.. an ounce can be used to measure capacity and weight. And there are different types of ounces. And then there are two types of gallons: Imperial and US. Oh yea, there also are statute miles which are not nautical miles. And just what is an acre???

You PREFER this system??????

Give me this one..
10mm=1cm; 100 cm=1 m; 1000m=1km
1000g=1kg; 1000kg=1T
1H=100 square m

What's all the fuss about?
How are we saving money?

Dont we have to pay royalties to the Queen? What about all th Crown land that belongs to the Queen, it would be turned over to our Government and surely some of it could be sold to cottagers and we could finally get some funding for the TTC.

Not to mention the fact that the entire Royal family is just basically a rich inbred family. I mean they used to marry their cousins in order to keep the blood line "pure", its an embarrasment.
Dont we have to pay royalties to the Queen? What about all th Crown land that belongs to the Queen, it would be turned over to our Government and surely some of it could be sold to cottagers and we could finally get some funding for the TTC.

sk8rboii, when they say land belongs to the Crown, they mean the government - and 7 times out of 10, that means the provincial government. The Queen and the Royal Family actually only have a few small estates in Canada. Their land holdings are incredible small in this country. The government already is the largest landowner in the country (and one of the largest in the world, if not the largest).
The monarchy is just a symbolic reminder of where Canada started. The British system is the basis of our governemnt, military, many traditions, as well as providing some pomp and ceremony to our culture. Even if the MOnarchy is formally cut in some farcical ceremony- British heritage will always figure prominently in Canada.
No wonder having a queen is such an issue for some if people believe that royalties, King's highways, and crown land have anything to do with the royal family taking our money and owning Canadian assets. There are a lot of false rumours going around about the power the queen has in Canada.
There is basically no point in keeping the Monarchy in Canada as it does not promote our identity, and the concept of the monarchy itself is contrary to the principles of democracy. In fact I think the British Monarchy's main role in Britain is to attract mass tourism and tabloid medias on every time Prince Harry smokes weed more than anything else, although the tradition is still important. That being said it's just a figurehead government that costs every Britishman 60 pence a year (but it's still money), and we can all comfort ourselves in the fact that there's far worse problems with governments :p , so if the protests that would occur at the Queen's removal resembles that of the Alabama 10 Commandments monument (which I didn't support) then keep it as it is. Still I get frustrated upon the thought that new Canadian immigrants expecting a profound oath imbedded in the principles of peace, order, and good government end up swearing to the Queen.
Measurement systems

And oh, about the Imperial vs. Metric systems, the nautical miles and stuff are used by navies/appropriate organizations across the world, even Canada, so I won't consider them to be US-based.

And even though organizing units in powers of 10 may seem logical to us, the Imperial system uses powers of 2 (as in 2 pints, 4 cups) for most of its units which is most logical mathematically (it's used in computers, after all), but 12 inches=1 foot doesn't make sense.
Re: Measurement systems

Keep it. We have so few traditions left. And everytime I come back from the US, I'm always put back at ease when I see crowns on top of the highway signs and on a policeman's hat. It denotes a power that is above party and circumstance. And our rich (if decaying) military heritage is enmeshed with the Crown: the Royal Canadian Regiment, the Queen's Own Rifles, and others. The RCAF and RCN of course (bring them back!), as well as the RCMP are all aspects of our history we can't deny, nor should we. I don't know anyone who is offended when it is brought up. I'm of immigrant stock and it's not an issue for me. It's strange that the only people I hear wanting to get rid of the monarchy are people who were born here. Everyone else is either supportive, or has a if-it-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it mindset. I think the whole issue is a boomer holdover from the sixties. The monarchy's presence is so benign that it mainly seems to bother only people of that vintage, who seemed to have been bothered by everything.
Re: Measurement systems

The monarchy's presence is so benign that it mainly seems to bother only people of that vintage, who seemed to have been bothered by everything.

lol! That's exactly the reason why Australia is still a Constitutional Monarchy, post Republican Referrendum.

The majority of support was there, but no-one could decide on the Republican model.

And I'd be willing to bet $1 Million (CDN :D ) the same thing would happen in Canada if there were to be a Republican Referrendum.
Re: Measurement systems

We will never ditch the monarchy because, if we lose our British history and heritage, we will become Americans. Too bad Canada can't develop its own identity, it has to latch on to someone else's.
Re: Measurement systems

Time to dump it. We need a symbolic centre.
