You forget the latter part, "and own your home". Lots of ppl only rent or mortgage.
I've watched shows on HGTV and there are condos in the states, very spacious and new for low 200's. But does it have the potential to appreciate in value? It all comes down to how desirable the city is to the ppl. Toronto is one of the most desirable cities to immigrate to in North America. Vancouver is nice too but its already saturated. Toronto is the next Vancouver. Most of the property price increase is driven by immigrants. They help increase population, jobs and income revenue. Toronto has been a good city to invest in these past few years. As you can see, house construction are moving farther north, condos moving farther south, and old houses in midtown are being bought out to build townhouses. And there are plenty of foreign investors who see value in Toronto property which will only keep prices up. Most Chinese pay in cash and have lots of it. That’s why builders are willing to sell to them.