Wow...we used to have a warehouse district. Adam Vaughan pretends to be an acolyte of Jane Jacobs, but anyone who's ever read Death and Life knows that this goes against anything that she's ever written.
When people say Manhattanization, they're really only talking about the rather dull neighbourhoods in Midtown and the Financial District. This is nothing like the rest of the city.
There's nothing wrong with some towers, especially on the fringes like south of Wellington. But this really is completely demolishing the neighbourhood and replacing it with uniform glass condo towers. Though some of the towers are better designed than others, the effect remains the same. Without adaptable older buildings, the neighbourhood will be chain drug stores and fast food places like all of our other condo neighbourhoods. Maybe we'll be blessed with some hotel restaurants in some places. But I think it's a sad loss from what we had and, more importantly, what we could have had.
Great rendering, though, insertname here. I'm a bit confused by the first image in Mongo's post. It seems to show a building on the southwest corner of Wellington and Peter, and on the northeast corner of Front and Spadina. I don't think I've seen any actual proposals there yet. On the other hand, it doesn't include Fly, which is already under construction.