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Now I know Iran is NOT a threat

All I know is Iran is definitely no more evil than the USA. There is not much bad that Iran did but the US didn't do.

As Ron Paul rightly put it, why can't Iran have nuclear weapon, all its neighbours do. It is scared and it wants it too. It is just funny to see all these big guys each holding tons of mass destruction weapon and dictate smaller players "you are not allowed to have it".
All I know is Iran is definitely no more evil than the USA. There is not much bad that Iran did but the US didn't do.

As Ron Paul rightly put it, why can't Iran have nuclear weapon, all its neighbours do. It is scared and it wants it too. It is just funny to see all these big guys each holding tons of mass destruction weapon and dictate smaller players "you are not allowed to have it".

There has been a reasonable effort to get rid of these weapons, not increase their numbers. Frankly, I'd prefer none over having every neighbouring country bordering on a nuclear nation pursuing the weapons solely because the guy next door has one.
I just don't get the Iranians. They make it so easy. Even if they truly are hell-bent on genocide, why advertise it? Why not keep your mouth shut and go about building your nukes? Their constant proclamations about wiping Israel off the map are unnerving. And while I don't want to see anybody else get in the middle of this, I have no issues with the Israelis taking them on. I'd expect any country faced with overt existential threats from another and covert support from said country to numerous groups attacking it to react.

I say let them at it. The rest of the world should only care if the Strait of Hormuz is closed. Unfortunately, the Iranians seem stupid enough to provoke the rest of the world for any attack by Israel that they brought about with their belligerence towards Israel...a hostility which does not make sense. With the exception of Syria, none of Iran's neighbours even border Israel. Sure, they want to play for the dominance of the Gulf and the levelling of disparities between Shias and Sunnis. But why drag Israel into it? If war comes (and I hope it doesn't), Iran has nobody to blame but itself.
I just don't get the Iranians. They make it so easy. Even if they truly are hell-bent on genocide, why advertise it? Why not keep your mouth shut and go about building your nukes? Their constant proclamations about wiping Israel off the map are unnerving.

I think most of that bluster is intended for domestic audiences, not us. Much in the way North Korean leaders keep a hold on power by constantly telling their citizens that a US-led military attack is imminent, Ahmadinejad uses the boogie man of Israel to scare enough of his citizens into supporting him. Even a country that is not a proper democracy needs to have the implicit support of enough citizens to prevent overthrow -- witness what happened in Libya once enough Libyans no longer supported/feared Gaddafi, and there's lots of opposition in Iran even though it is currently suppressed. For Iran, Israel and the US play the same role that terrorists" do in US politics, ie., "if my party is not in power to protect us then the terrorists will get ya!". (Of course the threat is that Iran's bluster may one day lead to a real preemptive strike by Israel or the US, hence becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.)
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I just don't get the Iranians. They make it so easy. Even if they truly are hell-bent on genocide, why advertise it? Why not keep your mouth shut and go about building your nukes? Their constant proclamations about wiping Israel off the map are unnerving. And while I don't want to see anybody else get in the middle of this, I have no issues with the Israelis taking them on. I'd expect any country faced with overt existential threats from another and covert support from said country to numerous groups attacking it to react.

I say let them at it. The rest of the world should only care if the Strait of Hormuz is closed. Unfortunately, the Iranians seem stupid enough to provoke the rest of the world for any attack by Israel that they brought about with their belligerence towards Israel...a hostility which does not make sense. With the exception of Syria, none of Iran's neighbours even border Israel. Sure, they want to play for the dominance of the Gulf and the levelling of disparities between Shias and Sunnis. But why drag Israel into it? If war comes (and I hope it doesn't), Iran has nobody to blame but itself.

When you say "Isrealis take them on", you mean "the US takes them on"? I don't think Israel itself is capable of taking anyone on.

By the way, Iran has not invaded any country during the past 2000 years. It actually behaved a lot better than most of the "democracies" existing now, let it be Germany, UK, France, Japan or the US. We should ask ourselves why we consider it to be more of a threat than others who did attack others for various selfish reasons.
I think most of that bluster is intended for domestic audiences, not us. Much in the way North Korean leaders keep a hold on power by constantly telling their citizens that a US-led military attack is imminent,

Funny you mention this. The same argument can go for the US government who insists to its citizens and the world that Iran is the biggest threat of world peace?
Apparently we take what the CIA said as the ultimate truth but what Iran claims nothing but a shameless lie, as if the US government has more credibility than Iran.
When you say "Isrealis take them on", you mean "the US takes them on"? I don't think Israel itself is capable of taking anyone on.
And I think this is the most compelling evidence that kkgg7 is trolling us. The claim that Isreal is not capable of taking anyone on. kkgg7 just comes out with one absurd comment after another. It challenges disbelief that one person can be so utterly ignorant and yet so vocal. We are being played.
And I think this is the most compelling evidence that kkgg7 is trolling us. The claim that Isreal is not capable of taking anyone on. kkgg7 just comes out with one absurd comment after another. It challenges disbelief that one person can be so utterly ignorant and yet so vocal. We are being played.

It is not absurd to say that Israel cannot take on Iran. This is a fact if we are talking about a conventional war. Of course Israel has one of the largest stockpiles of Nuclear weapons that we're not suppose to talk about, but short of nuking Iran, Israel does not have the capability to take on Iran in a conventional ground war and make no mistake - a ground war is what will be required to take out Iran's Nuclear program.

There is no way Israel could go it alone in a ground war with Iran. Iran has an active army of 545,000 strong and this doesn't include the Revolutionary Guard which has 125,000 active soldiers. By comparison Israel has an active army of 187,000. Of course Israel can rely on American troops and probably Canadian and British troops as well to shed blood fighting their war (Baird made the mindless boast that Canada was Israel's "greatest ally" when he visited Israel recently).
Meanwhile Israel has teamed up with an Islamic Terrorist Group "MEK"- The People Mujahedin of Iran (which has ties to al-Qaeda ) to carry out assassination's of Iranian nuclear scientists.

No doubt Israel also used Iranian MEK operatives to carry out what appears to be attempted false-flag attacks against Israeli "targets" in India and Georgia in an attempt to provide a pretext for going to war with Iran.

In the MEK attacks in Iran - terrorists on motorcycles attached bombs to vehicles using a magnetic device - exploding and killing the scientists.

In the false flag attacks the same modus operandi was used. Bombs affixed to cars using magnets - but in the false flag attacks the bombs failed to go off.

In response to the false flag attacks in Georgia and India - the US Government issued security alerts for Jewish "targets" in the U.S.

The propaganda machine is in full gear! The drums of war are beating louder!

We've seen this played out before. Remember "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." –National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, on Iraq's nuclear capabilities and the Bush administration's case for war, Sept. 8, 2002"

When are people going to wake up?'s_Mujahedin_of_Iran
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^^ they won't wake up. It is sad how the majority of Canadians envision Israel to be any better than countries like Iran, and turn an blind eye on the nuclear weapon that Israel mostly like posses as if Israel should be allowed to, or even feel sympathetic about Israel's assassination of Iranian scientists. So brainwashed by the proganda without realizing it yet they feel all noble and self righteous as if bringing down Iran is some sort heroic achievement for the mankind. Funny even to watch.

It is all about the US influence in the middle east. If Iran doesn't produce oil, Washington will not give a rat's a$$ about whether it is democratic or not or how human rights are there. There are many destitute African countries with worse human rights, why the US doesn't care about them?

I can understand the US reaction as a result of their national interest, but why Canadians always talk in same fashion is just inexplicable.
When you say "Isrealis take them on", you mean "the US takes them on"? I don't think Israel itself is capable of taking anyone on.

What? They single-handedly stopped the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear programs. They've successfully resisted several invasions by their neighbours. The world owes them for that., Whatever your stance on Bush, imagine Saddam or Assad with nukes. I'd say the Israelis have got a solid record on 'taking people on.'

By the way, Iran has not invaded any country during the past 2000 years. It actually behaved a lot better than most of the "democracies" existing now, let it be Germany, UK, France, Japan or the US. We should ask ourselves why we consider it to be more of a threat than others who did attack others for various selfish reasons.

Iran hasn't been around for 2000 years. Islamic Iran is very new. And their Persian ancestors were notorious for military expansionism.
What? They single-handedly stopped the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear programs. They've successfully resisted several invasions by their neighbours. The world owes them for that., Whatever your stance on Bush, imagine Saddam or Assad with nukes. I'd say the Israelis have got a solid record on 'taking people on.'

Iran hasn't been around for 2000 years. Islamic Iran is very new. And their Persian ancestors were notorious for military expansionism.

KeiThZ is right. Israel's military forces are highly trained and well equipped. Iran by comparison has very weak conventional forces which only look strong when compared to its immediate neighbours. It has had limited modernization since the Iran–Iraq War and depends heavily on weapons acquired by the shah.

Equipment in its army, navy and air force are obsolete or relatively low quality imports. And while Iran now produces some of its own weapons, production rates are limited in part due to restrictions on trade with Iran. Its forces are not organized or trained to project significant power across the Gulf. Its land forces are not structured to project power deep into a neighboring state like Iraq or to deal with U.S. air-to-ground capabilities.

However, Iran has built up a powerful mix of capabilities for both regular and irregular forces to defend territory, intimidate neighbors, threaten the flow of oil and shipping through the Gulf, and attack Gulf targets. It has a dedicated force to train and equip non-state actors like Hezbollah, Hamas and Shiite extremists in Iraq—potential proxies that give Iran leverage over other states.

And it has purchased long-range missiles from North Korea in addition to defveloping its own missile systems that has given it a strike capability that partly compensates for its almost non-existant and weak air force. Furthermore, and as it widely suspected , they are rapidly working to produce fission nuclear weapons, an effort driven in large part to compensate for the very limited capabilities of their conventional forces and to deter against outside attacks on its irregular and asymmetric forces.

One other poster on this thread tried to reduce it to a strictly numbers game, whereby 500,000 Iranian troops would overwhelm a smaller force of 187,000 Isrealis. Overlooking the unlikelihood that a conventional ground warfare would be a part of Israel's strategy, I would still not bet against the Israelis; their neighbours who tried to over-run them with sheer numbers in previous wars have learned that skill backed by modern equipment can repel a larger fighting force.

Now, switching gears to address the comments made by others who don't seem at all bothered that Iran should have nuclear weapons, and who have tried to argue that the United States is the moral equivalent of the Islamic Republic of Iran, well, you need to give your head a good shake. If a person cannot see the danger and the destablizing effect that a rogue state like Iran having nuclear weapons technology will have on the world then they really have lost touch with reality.

Apologists for western liberal democracies of course have the option of moving to illiberal theological "people's" states, please be my guest. Furthermore, I would suggest that rather than cherry picking the worst from western society's past, a reasonable person would look at the big picture. Pardon my prejudice in advance (actually, no I'm not apologizing), but there is no better, or freer, or more peace loving, or more propserous ways of life than those afforded by liberal democracies.
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