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Rob Ford's Toronto

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What a strange man. 17, 14 and 3 are about Rob, and I'm sure more didn't make it. Witch hunt? Jeezus.

And while the Justin Williams story is nice, it's quite typical of a lot of hockey players to take the Cup home to visit hospital patients. They get the Cup for a day and there is usually a parade and a ceremony and many of them take it to people who need some happiness.
I normally do not read the Rob Ford thread as he is, or should be, history but I did read the Worms list. Is it EVER weird? See this as an example:

Julian Fantino: Canada’s minister of veterans affairs has done an outstanding job in that portfolio but is the victim of a funded, organized and vicious smear campaign by political opponents who are determined to have him removed. I find it disgusting since it was Fantino who has called for the modernization of veterans affairs, made major adjustments and travelled across the country and abroad to help fight for and remember the sacrifices of our brave soldiers. Well done chief. Who knows, maybe Ambassador to Italy will be his next posting? He has earned it.

Clearly Worms has lost it, if in fact he ever had it.
Actually, he'll be the one asking for a recorded vote. Even unanimous votes in council, but more likely where he's on the losing side.

Correction, it's not when he is on the loosing side but that he is in all ways the loosing side, his own. ;)
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Sure you will Jimmi T.....does anyone else doubt the veracity of Jimmi's nuggets of information or is it only me?

Ah, let's not harsh on JimmiT. He gave us a lot of good info/insight during the Ford investigation, thanks to his personal knowledge of key players. Yeah, it would be nice to hear the Jaclyn Dawe story (he did bring it up, after all). But let's not dump on him because he's got a life outside UT. It's not like the rest of us are making huge contributions.
Perhaps we should file a FOI request to obtain everything Jimmi T knows :)

haha, while my sources never used to look here but now I know they do so I can't just spill tips like I used to. But to be honest I don't hear much about Ford these days. People don't seem to care as much now. All I know is cops are fighting the release of their investigative notes from the Windsor Rd break in and it could take months longer to see those. And also for some reason Jugga beat up Bruno.
Ah, let's not harsh on JimmiT. He gave us a lot of good info/insight during the Ford investigation, thanks to his personal knowledge of key players. Yeah, it would be nice to hear the Jaclyn Dawe story (he did bring it up, after all). But let's not dump on him because he's got a life outside UT. It's not like the rest of us are making huge contributions.

I concur Coop (and happy new year) Jimmi 's recent blog with Kevin Donovan was great. I was not surprised to see it widely quoted from in twit world.And the historical article with Rofo is fascinating. I have
no doubt it will be quoted from at his next trial for conflict of interest. I would love to see the article juxtaposed against the transcript from the last COI trial. It would make some hilarious reading. In Jimmi's interview Ford expounds on other councillors' failure to declare conflicts,even citing examples. Several years later he claimed not to understand the concept in court. I guess if your last name is ford conflict is fine.
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